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You are lovely

I was looking back at the old photos we have taken, it were so sweet.

Sadly, thinking back the year of 2009, it gave me a pinch of pain. If you realised, our albums only started in the year of 2009.

It should have been earlier.

"I should have known this wonderful girl earlier, let's just say 2003."

"Then I would be able to gain her attentions, and she would have been my girlfriend."

"Why purposely at that time I wan't looking attractive, and let her fell into the hands of some other guy?"

All those thoughts, made me painful.

I am so angry with myself. I do not like him, more the fact that he took part of your life.

"Why wouldn't God leave you alone till I come into the picture?"

Sweetheart, you are such a wonderful woman, looking at you made me feel so fortunate.

I will treasure you, I will love you, like you are my soul.

I want you to be loved, to be care of, and to be my life partner.

I believe our albums will goes up till the year of 2072.

Thank you for all the fun, sacrifices, and trusts that you have given to me.

"You are lovely" - I love that phrase.

You are lovely too.

Love you so much!

*Got to blame your hard drive a little. hehe
ChocolateAnthony Lim
the most lovely person is writing this lovely passage
2012-03-01 16:30:15
ChocolateAnthony Lim
wow.. u r so sweet.......... do u have a girl friend
2012-03-03 13:57:49
Anthony Lim
@jae89 I think my girl friend is the sweetest person on earth..
2012-03-03 15:55:41
Music LoungeAnthony Lim
You are a good guy. I have to say that you're the only one who can give that LOVELY girl love and happiness.
2012-05-18 01:41:18