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  1. 御宅族是自我陶醉的废物

    该书分(オタク时代の真実〉(御宅族时代的真面目)及〈日本を蚀む萌えの胁威〉(侵蚀日本的萌威胁)两大部分,指出御宅族是一群废物及潜在的性犯罪者,平时无所事事,以研究高达相关的芝麻绿豆小事及收集色情漫画打发时间,因为心智残缺,没有成人应有的常识,又歧视女性,所以根本无法结交异性,只懂向十岁左右的小女孩下毒手及光顾色情行业。中原及高桥似乎将御宅族归纳为变态色魔宫崎勤之流,实在令人相当纳闷。 日本多这种相关书藉。 [img src="" width="230" height="369"] 满认同的。御宅族普通的特徵如下:对于比自己更柔弱、含羞、更容易控弱的女童,低年龄取向的的魔法少女有不寻常人的观后快感。对双马尾,傲娇属性,水手服,女仆,校园爱情,萝莉,内裤等等常见的萌元素有身心理的反应,日本一些垃圾片身上找到自己的春天,陶醉其中。 看着日本高中校园为背景,初中生或高中生「你爱我我爱你」,全校女人爱上废材男,一类剧情在时下的宅心中更是无比痛快,处男处女谈初恋,本身会爆发式的「瞎感动」。一类片子身上,获得爆炸性的优越感以及满足感,并且在自己的讨论版(宅男论坛)不断以言词美化包装自己的卑劣缺点,生活中,人际,感情,职业,工作,校园拒绝往来,同时个性上爱说谎,自大,吹牛,二逼作为。 动画迷和真正的御宅族还是不同的,一般动画迷都认为自己是御宅族。真正的御宅族其实都有一种典型特徵: 一、他们一定都很喜欢柔弱的「萝莉」或「女童」 二、他们一定都有看校园爱情,看后宫片的习惯。 三、他们一定都长期黏在毒男版或那种重度阿宅林立的BBS 四、他们的生活,人际,学园,职场,甚至是双亲好友几乎拒绝往来,每天睡醒张开眼睛第一件事就是开PC,上网至宅男论坛或BBS看帖子。 五、他们一定都有网络成瘾症。互联网世界排寂寞和空虚感,关掉电脑的日子会要了他们的命。 六、他们普遍都有一种严重的「处女情况」,理由是这群人多半是性经验尚无的童贞男,对二次元作品中的女人第一次的「纯度」特别要求。一女服务两夫这类故事情况的女人绝对不会受到欢迎。 七、第七点就是癌未。讨厌比自己聪明、精明、能干的女强人类型,女人智商,成就,事业,手腕各方面优秀,不再需要靠男人保护,无法激发男人保护欲的的女强人,宅男眼中通常称作男人婆,会带有极端的反感表现。严格来说思维观众留在父权结构的时代「女人白天烧饭洗衣,晚上床上张开大腿性服务」,这一类才是他们真正想要的理想,同时女人只能服务一夫,但是一夫可以拥有复数至无限的女人。但一方面矛盾的是,他们只能通过二次元才能满足这项「理想」。 御宅男的生活重心以及消费方面会将一切放在「不存在现实的少女身上」,对于「真正存在于现实的女人」,他们不以为然或是排斥,除了A片和黄书除外。说到底,宅男普遍歧视女性,分析「歧视女人」其实是大男人的沙文主义,心有不甘的潜在心理。简单说,吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的醋坛子心理。
  2. If not us, who? If not now, when?
  3. My house is within easy walking distance of the shops.
  4. The Black Knight

    The Black Knight Once upon a time, there was a knight in black armor who traveled to the Town of Night. He had spent many days there, always taking time to look up at the moon in the sky as it shone overhead. However, he was given a letter to come to the king's castle as soon as possible. The black knight left his room at the inn and walked into the town square. He looked around, searching for his black horse. "Ahh," he said to himself, "there is my black horse, tied to that black tree!" He quickly charged to his horse and mounted it, riding off into the distance. Now, how was he able to see the horse so easily? Answer: It must have been daytime in the town of Night.
  5. 人生的十大准则

    1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period of this time around. 2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid. 3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error: Experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works". 4. A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson. 5. Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned. 6. "There" is no better than "here". When your "there" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here". 7. Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself. 8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours. 9. Your answers lie inside you. The answers to Life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust. 10. You will forget all this.