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Talk about how to draw the character sketches

about how to draw the character sketches

Abstract: The the familiar dynamic sketches
technology is mature painter of signs. The body's dynamic sketches painting not
only to have higher modeling ability and overall awareness, but also has a keen
ability to feel and skilled use of the experience of anatomical knowledge. But
we can not say, dynamic sketches of learning to be placed after the completion
of basic training, on the contrary we should at the same time in basic training
in drawing dynamic sketch practice. Character sketches as a major means of
modeling training in Europe, some domestic stage from children to begin
developing the ability of character sketches, also played a very good effect.
oil paintingoil paintingoil painting
Dynamic sketches and the static sketches
are very different, the object changes at any time, you can not use the method
of repeated observations capture object can not be prepared in advance for the
performance of object, dynamic sketches rely on the dynamic change process
object action "selected" and the feelings and memories of the
selected action.
oil paintingoil
paintingoil painting
"Selected" is the unique
technology of dynamic sketches. Selected Finger on the specific choice of the
object instant action activities, that is, objects figure sketches the face of
free activities, most instantaneous dynamic modeling significance in a series
of moves objects. Dynamic sketches action selected this meet two conditions, a
selected action to have the "shape"; another dynamic to beauty, two
conditions are indispensable. For example, we selected a running motion, to be
selected that best embodies the dynamic of speed, strength and supple imply, is
the leg span of the largest arm swing amplitude dynamic, if we choose to the
hands and feet overlap dynamic effect draw will be such as walking instead of
running the.
For selected feelings and dynamic memory is
also very important, this is a one-time process, unlike the sketch as can be
repeatedly performed. This one-time memory must susceptibility, if they lose
the memory of the susceptibility, we draw action may flow in the formulation,
conceptualization. Only by virtue of a specific action feel unique
understanding of the knowledge of human anatomy, and then complemented it be
possible to draw such crazy run or leisurely running to avoid similar works. In
actual operation, we observed moment alone to accomplish a specific dynamic
sketches works is unthinkable. We must rely on the general memory of the
experience and knowledge of this particular action added, in order to fully
complete the works.
To achieve the above requirements, dynamic
sketches training must learn to "seize" and performance of
"dynamic line. The dynamic line is the main line of human performance
action feature. The dynamic line the general performance of the large volume
change in human action relations. Character side, the dynamic line often
reflected on one side of the outer contour; When figures positive, dynamic
lines will be highlighted on the changes in the spine and limbs. Seize the
dynamic line to draw a good dynamic sketches is crucial. How to draw a good
dynamic line on the road? We should pay attention to the following aspects:
(1) the dynamic line is produced by the
body movements change, it is the the shape most obvious attached tight clothes
and body parts.
(2) painting dynamic line, to seize large
parts, grasping the key motive force and pay attention to the dynamic center of
(3) dynamic line is very concise lines,
dynamic lines of how much is to be determined according to the degree of
complexity of the action, in each action, the main dynamic line is only one,
the other is the dynamic auxiliary lines.
to seize the structural relationship of the various key parts of the human
body, such as the head, shoulder, arm and torso, pelvis and leg, thigh and
lower leg joints and leg and foot binding sites.
Dynamic sketching painting steps are:
(1) Carefully observe the dynamic objects
selected typical dynamic concentrate fully feel the dynamic characteristics.
(2) quick to draw the the main dynamic line
and the dynamic auxiliary lines.
(3) to draw volume relationship by observing
the time or memory.
(4) rapid draw performance momentum
(5) by observing and anatomical knowledge
to fill in the details.
(6) Follow the on-screen structure for
adjustment in the form rhythm.
(7) depicts the head completed.       
oil paintingoil
paintingoil painting
As a beginner, start painting dynamic
sketches with some difficulties. Beginners can choose in the beginning to draw
dynamic sketches a repetitive dynamic objects to practice, such as see-saw,
shovel, be skilled accumulated experience, such as dance, sports dynamic
exercises. Dynamic sketches is a need to pay great efforts and training courses
to train professional spirit, the only perennial unremittingly hard training,
hard work can be trained handedly dynamic sketches to create outstanding works
of art for the future and lay a solid foundation. Cooked dynamic sketches
technology is a sign of maturity of the painter. The body's dynamic sketches
painting not only to have higher modeling ability and overall awareness, but
also has a keen ability to feel and skilled use of the experience of anatomical
knowledge. But we can not say, dynamic sketches of learning to be placed after
the completion of basic training, on the contrary we should at the same time in
basic training in drawing dynamic sketch practice. Character sketches as a
major means of modeling training in Europe, some domestic stage from children
to begin developing the ability of character sketches, also played a very good
oil painting
Dynamic sketches and the static sketches
are very different, the object changes at any time, you can not use the method
of repeated observations capture object can not be prepared in advance for the
performance of object, dynamic sketches rely on the dynamic change process object
action "selected" and the feelings and memories of the selected
"Selected" is the unique
technology of dynamic sketches. Selected Finger on the specific choice of the
object instant action activities, that is, objects figure sketches the face of
free activities, most instantaneous dynamic modeling significance in a series
of moves objects. Dynamic sketches action selected this meet two conditions, a
selected action to have the "shape"; another dynamic to beauty, two
conditions are indispensable. For example, we selected a running motion, to be
selected that best embodies the dynamic of speed, strength and supple imply, is
the leg span of the largest arm swing amplitude dynamic, if we choose to the
hands and feet overlap dynamic effect draw will be such as walking instead of
running the.
For selected feelings and dynamic memory is
also very important, this is a one-time process, unlike the sketch as can be
repeatedly performed. This one-time memory must susceptibility, if they lose
the memory of the susceptibility, we draw action may flow in the formulation,
conceptualization. Only by virtue of a specific action feel unique
understanding of the knowledge of human anatomy, and then complemented it be
possible to draw such crazy run or leisurely running to avoid similar works. In
actual operation, we observed moment alone to accomplish a specific dynamic
sketches works is unthinkable. We must rely on the general memory of the
experience and knowledge of this particular action added, in order to fully complete
the works.
To achieve the above requirements, dynamic
sketches training must learn to "seize" and performance of
"dynamic line. The dynamic line is the main line of human performance
action feature. The dynamic line the general performance of the large volume
change in human action relations. Character side, the dynamic line often
reflected on one side of the outer contour; When figures positive, dynamic
lines will be highlighted on the changes in the spine and limbs. Seize the
dynamic line to draw a good dynamic sketches is crucial. How to draw a good
dynamic line on the road? We should pay attention to the following aspects:
(1) the dynamic line is produced by the
body movements change, it is the the shape most obvious attached tight clothes
and body parts.
(2) painting dynamic line, to seize large
parts, grasping the key motive force and pay attention to the dynamic center of
(3) dynamic line is very concise lines,
dynamic lines of how much is to be determined according to the degree of complexity
of the action, in each action, the main dynamic line is only one, the other is
the dynamic auxiliary lines.
(4) to seize the structural relationship of
the various key parts of the human body, such as the head, shoulder, arm and
torso, pelvis and leg, thigh and lower leg joints and leg and foot binding
Dynamic sketching painting steps are:
(1) Carefully observe the dynamic objects
selected typical dynamic concentrate fully feel the dynamic characteristics.
(2) quick to draw the the main dynamic line
and the dynamic auxiliary lines.
(3) to draw volume relationship by
observing the time or memory.
(4) rapid draw performance momentum
(5) by observing and anatomical knowledge
to fill in the details.
(6) Follow the on-screen structure for
adjustment in the form rhythm.
(7) depicts the head completed.
As a beginner, start painting dynamic
sketches with some difficulties. Beginners can choose in the beginning to draw
dynamic sketches a repetitive dynamic objects to practice, such as see-saw,
shovel, be skilled accumulated experience, such as dance, sports dynamic
exercises. Dynamic sketch is a need to pay a great effort and training courses
to train professional spirit, the only perennial unremittingly hard training,
can be trained to single-handedly dynamic sketches.