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Medieval ArtJanuary 8, 2010 Artists Editor: jiping heat: 0Generally between 5 to 15th century Western art, including Byzantine art, Ireland - Saxon and Viking Art Otto of Fine Arts, Fine Art Carolingian, Romanesque Fine Arts and Gothic art. Early Christian Art is sometimes classified as the medieval fine arts. These colorful art constitutes an important part of the process of European art. oil painting Medieval art is one of the special manifestations of Western culture. It changed the tradition of Greek art, Roman art, and gradually formed its own form and content system development, a special form of the performance of a specific period of people's lives, ideas, thoughts, feelings. Overall, belonging to the Christian medieval Fine Arts Fine Arts. As a form of expression of religion and theology, this art does not focus on the realistic depiction of the objective world, and stressed that the performance of the so-called spiritual world. For this reason, it is often an exaggeration, oil painting distortion, change the real space sequences tactics to achieve strong performance. The characteristics of this total, there are significant differences between the various styles of medieval Fine Arts. Byzantine Fine Arts for its the oriental decorative and abstraction with European art division its own system, has always maintained its independence in 1000 development Ireland - Saxon and Viking Art, Fine Arts Otto Carolingian Fine Arts, the Romanesque Fine Arts and Gothic art are different forms in different periods of European art and art history, have their own unique style in possession of its a seat position.oil painting portrait painting animals painting landscapes painting decorate painting impression painting modern painting abstract painting The construction of a high degree of development of the greatest achievements of medieval art. In the Middle Ages, the various forms of religious buildings around a large number of construction. As a historical monument many Byzantine churches, Romanesque churches, Gothic church of high achievement in the arts and engineering design. With the construction of the cathedral, sculptures, mosaics, murals also obtained in the different periods of the different forms of prosperity; excellent carvings and paintings of medieval artists including mosaic paintings created out both inside and outside the cathedral. Illustration and a variety of small art is also an important part of medieval art, they had considerable prosperity in the Middle Ages.Due to the oil painting influence of Renaissance realism art view, the fine arts of the Middle Ages had not been in a very long period of time, people fully understand, and even referred to as the "Dark Ages" and be denied. From the beginning of the 19th century, Western historians began to re-understanding and evaluation of the medieval Fine Arts. In the 20th century, medieval Fine Arts to become one of the focus of the study of art history. Many modern art history oil painting scholars from different angles, using different methods, in-depth observation and interpretation of a variety of medieval art style. Their research more fully reveal the fine arts are unique medieval aesthetic characteristics of the status and significance in the history of the development of Western art.