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Escape from Life

Do you have an escape from reality? Maybe it's time to think of one because it could be your shield against unhealthy stress or even depression. My escape is being in a rural area and synced with nature. Escaping from the domesticated is escaping from reality for me. I like to sit in my back yard, surrounded by trees and nature and just lay back and ease into the forest. I could hear the birds chirp and leaves rustling. But an occasional blare of car engines destroys the scene. That is my only concern about my backyard right now, too close to the street. Well an escape from reality is different for everyone and you should try to find it before the stress of life gets to you. Being at work, school, or even home taking care of kids could be very stressful. An instant getaway could soothe this madness of domesticated life.
When I feel tensive and fidgety,I usually go to the balcony at night.No others, and I can see the black sky,shining stars.I enjoy it much
2011-05-29 14:04:05
thats good :)
2011-05-30 04:29:47