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  1. 皮肤过敏。好难受。
  2. 双鱼座!完全不了!怎么相处啊!
  3. 今天过得还满郁闷的。出门之前吵架。然后下暴雨。接着湿光。- -
  4. 我为什么老是会把事情搞得一团糟!对于钱我一直没有概念,爸爸妈妈从小对我的灌输就是健康快乐思想道德。
  5. 看穿或厌倦了太多虚伪的轻薄风景,请让自己回到自己安静的内心,诚实接受自己的样子。 ---青峰
  6. 没睡饱的感觉真不好,唉…
  7. BOA的新MV[link url=""]
  8. 游走在天平两端。
  9. 我不爱夏天,不爱。
  10. 烦死了。怎么会变成这样。事情完全不在计划中发展
  11. You Are

    You Are - Sarah Russell《You are》 Sarah Russell Forgive me, I am sorry. If i fail to tell you everything you are that I'm grateful and I'm happy you came into my wild and into my heart That I worry, you should leave me. I would fall into a dark and empty place. But your patience is down with me like your grace And because you are the light that leads me home. And you are the god that brings me peace. And you are my protection on the front lying. And you are the ground the beneath my feet. Hey hey hey hey so softly,now your voice speaks as you try to take me to another time And no I am willing if I'm approved to try to find another state of mind Because you are the light that leads me home. And you are the god that brings me peace. And you are my protection on the front lying. And you are the ground the beneath my feet. For sitting next to you and makes me better It's like a voice that I come through You don't get better than her(I) And lying next to you It just make things better You are the light that leads me home. And you are the god that brings me peace. And you are my protection on the front lying. And you are the ground the beneath my feet.