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A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting

A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comThis week, CEO Bob Parsons caused a stir by posting a video of himself killing an elephant in Zimbabwe. Previously, Parsons had upset feminists with his ultra-sexist advertising. It seems like perhaps Parsons and his company aren't necessarily the type of people with whom we'd like to do business, which is why GOOD has decided to pull all of its sites from If you'd like to join us and let Parsons know you don't give money to colonialist misogynists, follow these 10 simple steps.A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comGo to's main page and log in normally.A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comClick on "Domain Manger" and then click the domain name you'd like to transfer.A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comOnce in the correct domain account, click "More Settings."A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comClick on "Locking."A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comUncheck "Lock Domains" and then click "OK."A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comUnder where it says "Authorization Code," click "Send by Email."A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comGoDaddy will now send you an email containing an authorization code you'll need to finalize the transfer process.A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comGo to a new hosting page—we've chosen—and click "Transfer Domain." You'll then see the page above, where you'll enter the domain name you want to transfer.A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comNow you're going to be prompted to enter the authorization code GoDaddy sent you. Do that, and then you're almost done.A Step-By-Step Guide to Boycotting GoDaddy.comAfter you've authorized the transfer, you're going to get another email from GoDaddy begging you to not leave. Ignore that email and go back to one last time. Once there, go to your Domain Manager and click on "Domain Transfers." Once there, check the box next to the domain you're transferring and click "Accept," and then you're all done.
Don't fret if some of the steps in which you wait on a response from GoDaddy take several hours. They're stalling in the hopes that you'll give up. Don't give up, because you're doing the right thing.