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The setting sun's color was like yolk.It looked like a burned-out actor, walked to the backstage slowly.No sunset clouds, no golden sea.Lightly, everything were hidden under the memory.As that day's ending, we had no much emotion.I see the decision in your heart was firm as the sun setting.Gently, I sent away the last twilight.Before next dawn arrive, there were still some stars and moon light in this night.*小小的落日,是卵黃般的色,曳著燃燒殆盡的疲憊,緩緩走入了夜的幕後。沒有滿天的雲霞,也無金黃的海面。只是淡淡的,讓一切隱沒在記憶的海平面下。如同那一天的結束,沒有太多激情。默識於心的選擇,像夕陽般的堅定。輕輕送走最後一束暮光,在朝陽上升之前,還與星月相伴。