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Are there many invisible threads to connect people?We are likely a puppet, affect our motion and fate each other.I smile at you but influence him at next second.Therefore, we are unawareness or just helpless.One day, if we want to pursue real freedom out of the blue.After cutting these threads naively, maybe we will find a truth.There is a big net that been woven by these threads.It ties us firm and also gives everybody a meaning between their relative position.Despite the pain is full of the world.We can reduce it by sharing and find another reason for happy nearby.Even though the world is topsy-turvy.We won't fall, just like a fish swimming in the air.Ignoring gravitation, forgetting I'm a fish only living in the water, too.Being a human, maybe we will be a hero, but never be a brave.*人跟人之間,是不是都有著一條條看不見的細線交錯連結呢?像是懸絲傀儡般的,相互牽動著彼此的動作與命運。我對著你微笑,卻在迂迴數千里後的下一秒影響誰身邊的他,對此,我們渾不自知亦或莫可奈何。有一天,當我們異想天開的要求真正的自由,天真的切斷這些連結線後,會不會又發現是這些絲線編織成的一面大網,牢牢繫住每個人,並賦予每個人相對位置上的存在意義。儘管世界充滿苦痛,我們可以平均分攤,在鄰近找到快樂的理由。即使世界上下顛倒,我們也不至墜落,像一條悠游在空氣中的魚,忘了重力,也忘了自己是一條只能在水裡的魚。身而為人,也許我們會成為其中的英雄,但 我們都不是勇者。