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Finishing the last work, the old ice crusher took a break in the afternoon.Lazy fruits were looking at burning street from a cooling place.Before children come home from school, only an arrogant fan tried to drive this heat.Sometimes, gossip neighbours visited there and breaked the calm time.But this atmosphere was precisely a secret formula besides the original ingredient of ice shavings.Eating it, there was full of memory for summer.*午後的刨冰機,在忙完最後一盤冰後稍微打個盹。冷藏櫃裡的當季水果,望著結霜玻璃外蒸騰的街景發呆。孩子們尚未放學的時間,只有風扇嘎嘎作響的妄想驅走暑氣。偶而會有幾個串門的鄰居來這找阿婆閒話家常,撩動這靜謐時光。而這樣的氛圍,正是加諸在四果配料外的獨特秘方。吃進嘴裡,是洋溢著滿滿夏天的回憶。