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"Why you think the life is too long?"Because I'm impatient of waitting, why can't we fly to the terminal in a flash?"Do you want to look what the terminal is?"Yes, you see what I mean, I just want to look another start purely.I'm afraid that you will think how pessimistic I am, but it's really just a simple notion."In fact, it's not exactly pessimism. Generally, we are unable to remember the strat of life."So if I can see the life terminal and another start, even Just a moment, it's enought.*『為什麼會覺得生命很長?』因為有時覺得會等到不耐煩,怎麼不能一下子就飛到盡頭去?『是想看看終點長什麼樣嗎?』嗯嗯,你真懂我,我只是很單純的想看,另一段旅程的起點這樣說怕你覺得我會悲觀,但其實只是這麼簡單的想法。『其實也不盡然是悲觀,通常人生旅程的起點我們都記不得。』所以若能親眼看到那終點與另一個起點,即使只有那一剎那的瞬間,也就夠了。