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Yael_Naim___a new soul

在 Yael Naim的个人网站上,她穿着蓝绿色的格子大衣,无辜地蹲在地上;在照片里你可以看到她的简陋录音室。这再一次坚定了我的想法:音乐绝对是有灵性的人才能玩得东西。音乐也许不需要完美的无噪音环境,但是一定需要懂得音符脾性的人。一张好的专辑,不仅要给听觉以新鲜感,冲击力,更要有一种浓烈的个人色彩。
Yeal Nain在这张专辑里体现的气质是迷离不定却是成熟女人的质感,她的嗓音比Feist多那么一点异国情调,多一些Grace。专辑曲风多姿多彩,有快乐悲伤纠结,有呢喃有清晰咏叹更有你完全不明白的语言诉说着似乎是有点玄学的理念。我猜想这样的丰富并不是集中在一个月制作出来的,后来一看,果然是经过了2年的时间。

If the creation of this record was long and painful, the birth of its author as an artistic personality seems even more miraculous today, in a domain where everything seems to have been already sung or played.

或许驻唱Jazz Bar的人才能练就对歌曲火候恰到好处的把握吧;
或许只有耶路撒冷的圣洁才能催生出New Soul的凤凰涅磐般的耀眼光辉吧;
或许有《Lonely》的深沉才能有《Too Long》的婉转吧;
她自己说到:“After all these years everything was a bit chaotic inside. My classical education, my love of pop, the jazz, the folk… I didn’t know how to bring it all together, but I knew I wanted to write songs.”
Yael Naim是幸运的,虽然第一张专辑的失败带给她沉痛的打击,但是她又遇到了David Donatien。和他合作之后,第二章专辑不仅有种混杂得多元,更多了一份巴黎所特有的那种慵懒和自得其乐。

我喜欢New Soul里的拍手声音,喜欢小号低低地吹着;
我会喝完一瓶Yakult继续我的To do list planning依然心情好,因为她说过:

I’m a new soul
I came to this strange world hoping
I could learn a bit about how to give and take.
I’m a young soul
in this very strange world
hoping I could learn a bit about what is true and fake.
New Soul

I’m a new soul I came to this strange world hoping
I could learn a bit about how to give and take.
But since I came here felt the joy and the fear finding myself making every
possible mistake
I’m a young soul in this very strange world hoping
I could learn a bit about what is true and fake.
But why don’t please trying to comunnicate finding just that love is not always
easy to make.
This is a happy end
cause’ you don’t understand
everything you have done
why’s everything so wrong
This is a happy end
come and give me your hand
I’ll take your far away.
I’m a new soul I came to this strange world hoping
I could learn a bit about how to give and take
but since I came here fellt the joy and the fear finding myself making every
possible mistake