@段子:四川女警灾区喂奶,被提拔为副政委后。大批年轻女警北京上访说:局里领导吃我们奶N年了,啥官没给。请组织给个说法。 组织部长说了三点: 1、奶虽一样,但人家奶里有水,你们有吗? 2、人家喂奶群众都看见了,上电视了,你们喂领导奶敢上电视吗? 3、小孩吃奶是主食,大人吃奶是零食,效果能一样吗?
I met you, a beautiful and wonderful love started growing in my heart. But it hurt you, it hurt everyone I care, it brought only sadness and broken hearts. I went to the past, trying every way to work it out. And I found, the perfect beginn