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  1. 你别说了别再说了

    如果离开才是我们的解药 如果时间真能把一切洗掉 如果不曾回头看我 如果说如果说 你真的像一首歌 在我心底最柔软的角落 轻轻唱着 我又哪里舍得
  2. 这城市这么臃,这心灵那么空。
  3. 写照

    [img src="" width="640" height="862"]
  4. 告别就是死亡一点点。
  5. 但是他们并没有在一起啊

    绿妖谈到她为什么要跟周云蓬在一起,‘王小波小说里写过,一个母亲对女儿说,人生多长啊,要找个有趣的人一起过’。我问‘就因为他有趣吗?’她轻笑:‘有趣多难啊’。 --柴静(也可能不是柴静,毕竟现在中国就剩下仨会说人生哲理的话的人,还有白岩松和莫言)
  6. 真的?

  7. Please don't go

  8. I

    I wanna breathe
  9. 翻翻过去

    "你要知道时间漫长。借口总有用光的一天,甜言蜜语总有使尽的一天,到那时候,就直接走过来吧。 什么也不用再说,只需要伸出手来。“ ---松风
  10. i'm not here

  11. i don't never want let you down

    你还有3天就来啦,真高兴!我天天盯着衣柜愁怎么打扮。 我觉得我比clare幸福一点,我不会是真空的。 ———— 看到别人幸福的爱情,还觉得挺好的,美滋滋的看了半天。 想看K歌啊,呜呜呜 想有一张好看一点的自拍。
  12. 屋里【终于】能上网了,感谢人民感谢党啊……
  13. 妄想症越来越严重了

    Amazon上注册的名字是paranoia.每天我都能收到邮件说,亲爱的paranoia,我们又到了新书XXX 亲爱的妄想狂,这里是给你的新书推荐。 ———— 今天围脖上都在说一个新的僵尸电影。为什么还有人喜欢布拉德皮特呢?他明明是因年轻而帅的呀。 看到一张很棒的图,贴个地址过来。 [img src="" width="640" height="732"] (为什么最近都不能贴图了呢?)
  14. 为何要存在

  15. 太空了

    购物欲还没衰退。 下周你就要来啦。特别高兴。 买了黑糖蛋糕,现在觉得特别罪恶。 但是现在已经饿了。 今天又到了扔掉很多水果的那一天了,心情很失落,逛超市已经成了一种乐趣,但我仔细想了一下,我喜欢的就是挑选东西然后花钱的那个瞬间。 我现在腹中空空,脑中空空,心中空空,钱包空空,觉悟空空。
  16. 看了柯南新的剧场版

    想说的话想吐的槽都很多,待我吃了饭再来细数前事! 先放三个最想说的槽在这里: 1。上部惊世骇俗的滑板侠王者归来!稍微考虑一下牛顿的感受好么?? 2。虽然广大柯哀党纷纷表示这集的柯哀戏份“价钱便宜量又足”,但作为一个成熟的新兰党,还是忍不住在此咆哮:承认吧,凡人!全剧唯一亮点就是片尾的[新兰]彩蛋! 3。山口大叔的声音变了,高山阿姨的声音也变了,我的心啪嗒啪嗒地碎了,柯南啊,快快完结吧……
  17. stop please

    I don't want it
  18. 放过我吧youtube主页

    每次打开都吓尿一次好么? ———— 《it's time》已经成为我本周神曲,我不想离开它哪怕一秒QAQ
  19. To ashes

    This road never looked so lonely This house doesn't burn down slowly To ashes, to ashes
  20. No way to go back

    “I don't know if I will have the time to write anymore letters because I might be too busy trying to participate. So if this does end up being the last letter I just want you to know that I was in a bad place before I started high school and you helped me. Even if you didn't know what I was talking about or know someone who has gone through it, you made me not feel alone. Because I know there are people who say all these things don't happen. And there are people who forget what it's like to be 16 when they turn 17. I know these will all be stories someday. And our pictures will become old photographs. We'll all become somebody's mom or dad. But right now these moments are not stories. This is happening, I am here and I am looking at her. And she is so beautiful. I can see it. This one moment when you know you're not a sad story. You are alive, and you stand up and see the lights on the buildings and everything that makes you wonder. And you're listening to that song and that drive with the people you love most in this world. And in this moment I swear, we are infinite.” Now don't you understand That I'm never changing who I am