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  1. Winter winter
  2. Very very nervous for exams result... :(((
  3. Let's face the truth.
  4. [link url=""]
  5. Read & follow my blog: [link url=""]
  6. So long didnt come here dy.... dunno still remember me or not? :(
  7. If you live your life to the fullness, you have no regrets!
  8. [link url=""]
  9. ‎"But since orthodox Christianity has always held firm to the basic belief that it is by looking at Jesus himself that we discover who God is, it seems to me indisputable that we should expect always to be continuing in the quest for Jesus, precisely as part of, indeed perhaps as the sharp edge of, our exploration into God himself." - NT Wright, The Challenge of Jesus
  10. 1 more day to finals....... stress stress
  11. [link url=""]Take a look at my blog!
  12. Talk to me, brain..

    Yes, I have sleepless night today. I do not know what the reason is; maybe I am just too exhausted. Recently too many things happened one shot, makes me feel so helpless. It is not the physical helplessness, rather the mind. I am not sure what I am thinking is right, what I am doing is right, or even what I say is right. I don’t know what I should think. I don’t know what should I react. Maybe I am just lacking Godliness. I need the Word, I need God. Even when the world is trembling down, You will always be there for me.
  13. No matter how little my time is left, no matter how much I can give you. Where there's love, there's joy.
  14. We can't be hurt

    Never Find Fault From Your lovable Once Because Fault Maybe Small But that Heart Will Suffers A lot Treasure..... Treasure.. Treasure. Your lover [video src=""]
  15. Just a little trust sometimes

    It is really true that when we faces problems in life, the first thing that we need to recognize is to be calm. Anxiousness does not get you anywhere. As Jesus said: ""Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?" (Matthew 6:25) He is telling us that our life is in God's hands, anxiousness does not get us anywhere better. Really, someone important in my life taught me how to be calm when I am like an an in a hot pot, jumping around, crying for solutions. For those of us that are Christians, or at least believe in God, it is a great news. You can put your worries upon God and you know He will directs you. If we seriously believe that God is in control of our lives, just let Him leads you, wherever it is, He would provides a way out. Lastly, lets meditate upon this verse: John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” [video src=""]
  16. Last post

    I am jammed both ways. I can choose to ignore my own feeling and goes on like nothing. I can choose not to reveal my pain. I am also facing problem when you reacted with those negative sayings. I did not mean that you must give up yourself to do something against your will. All I think of is I, I know I am selfish. I am very bad, I am having split feelings. I don’t wanna have this kind of talk anymore. I can’t afford to share it, I don’t want to pick a fight. I learnt. I will keep my feeling to myself. I thank caftan, because I still can pour out you.
  17. Thoughts

    You thought you were strong, Until something hits you so hard, You finally fell. Then you thought you can overcomes it, Until something inside you, Tells you what you need is a strong determination and will.
  18. Pain

    Sometimes it’s so hard to comprehend pain by yourself, especially those that people wouldn’t understand. Some pains are just so bad that it hurts you and people around you. Pains are like thorns, it pierces deeply inside you. It grows out from you. It takes away your rationality. It is a weakness, sometimes a strong one. You just wish that you can live without it, Or at least it goes disappears. It is a journey of life. Who can understands?
  19. If you are destined to die today, and out of sudden, God appears.He asked: "What is your last 3 wishes on this earth?"What would you wish for?
  20. Prayer

    Lord, I just pray that you forgives all my sins, even the hidden ones. Right now, just want to ask you to bless my dearie. She has a presentation going on today at 1030am. Lord, I ask that everything will goes smoothly, even the traffic. Give her the full freshness and wisdom. Let all the activities goes smoothly. Let her gain the favour from You and her lecturers. Let the best flow out from her. In Jesus's name, Amen