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  1. I'm about to study.But maybe I can't stick to it for as long as I can concern.I just don't believe in myself.
  2. Keep calm and do my reviewing.But it seems difficult to concentrate……
  3. I miss the cold wind flowing through my hair
  4. Back now~
  5. 昨晚的梦是冒险RPG~早上醒来整章通关~0 V 0好~开~心~
  6. 早上没喝咖啡的时候去上课整个人都软垮垮迷迷糊糊的…下课铃一响就跟打鸡血一样上课铃响起来就跟催眠曲似的…困得我好伤心~
  7. 啊好吧~最近对各种可爱的小众博客感兴趣呐~Hello I'm new here~^ ^~