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    该歪! 春眠不觉晓 处处蚊子咬 夜来嗡嗡叫 简度睡不着(┬_┬) 整晚((‵□′)) ! 蚊子知多少? ψ(╰_╯)(>﹏<)╯﹏╰\("▔□▔)/╭( ̄m ̄*)╮o(︶︿︶)o 唉
  5. 简度笔记:吐槽

    吐槽 - 如何吐槽 在日本的漫才(相声)中,两个演员分作为发呆的角色(boke)和吐槽的角色(tsukkomi)。怎样才是发呆, 怎样才是吐槽呢? 并不仅限于语言, 可以包括动作, 乃至一般的行为, 然而这种行为往往不合常理, 比如《灌篮高手》中的樱木花道常说“我是天才”, 又比如唐僧唱《only you》, 都是发呆角色的行为。自然相对的, 以过激的言语、 动作等反应对发呆者进行教育指正,就如樱木说“我是天才”时,赤木以拳头砸他,唐僧唱《only you》时至尊宝说"哦你妈个头啊哦",赤木与至尊宝的行为就是吐槽了。 吐槽 - 吐槽精髓 第一点是即时性,就是说发呆的冒了傻气,吐槽的要马上给他来个下马威(把手臂折成九十度,“啪”地一下用手背轻打对方一下)。像中国相声当中那种循循善诱,捧哏的扮猪吃老虎,诱使逗哏的那个牛越吹越大,话越说越荒唐,到最后才点明揭穿的那种就不是吐槽。 第二点是含蓄性,日本人喜欢含蓄的笑料,所以上等的吐槽段子当中,发呆役的可笑之处并非特别明显,需要吐槽役揭穿才会让人会心一笑。因为若是发呆役的可笑之处太过明显,吐槽役揭短的意义就少了许多。而且这样可以显示出后者的精明和前者的愚笨,起到反差的笑果(漫才是很喜欢用反差搞笑的,最明显的就是搭档二人经常一个高一个矮一个胖一个瘦之类的)。含蓄性也体现在吐槽役的吐槽上,他可以讽刺,但是不能用让前者立刻就下不了台的方式,只要点到即止,让观众心领神会就可以了。 第三点是明白性,就是指发呆+吐槽,都是能让人看得明白易懂透彻的,这样就不至于变成冷笑话。 第四点是互动性,基本形式的吐槽需要两个人,若是一个人在独自表演,显露出他的荒唐可笑,那就是憨豆先生那样的英式滑稽剧,不是正规的吐槽。所以《阿兹漫画大王》当中,当阿智自己冒傻气作了发呆役以后,很希望立刻有人来吐槽她(一般是阿历),偶尔阿历心情不好懒得理会她时,阿智会感到深深地失落(因为通过吐槽来搞笑也是她表现自己的一种方式),就是由于吐槽需要两人互动。基于互动,还可以发展出新的吐槽(相互吐槽,轮流吐槽之类的)。 吐槽 - 代表人物 [img src="" width="300" height="169"] 阿虚=吐槽人物:阿虚 来源:《凉宫春日的忧郁》 评价:此君堪称吐槽界的代表,吐槽王,专业级吐槽人士。阿虚往往会在旁白中将任何人吐得体无完肤,且被吐槽之人无法反驳。与其说阿虚,不如说其声优杉田智和还有作者谷川流本来也是个吐槽的高手!) 人物:光明寺茉衣子 来源:《逃离学校》 评价:具有毒舌、吐槽的隐藏能力,推测水平AAA(误)。在这方面有着和阿虚一样的境界。) 人物:志村新八 来源:《银魂》 评价:存在意义即为吐槽,不然就只剩下眼镜了 吐槽 - 经典吐槽片段 《变形金刚》有一段当第7区人说:“它是编号NBE-1 ”的时候,那个主角说:“先生,我不是故意要吐你的槽,但它(指那个NBE-1)是威震天,他是霸天虎的领袖!” 《麦田里的守望者》:你要是真想听我讲,你想要知道的第一件事可能是我在什么地方出生,我倒楣的童年是 怎样度过,我父母在生我之前干些什么,以及诸如此类的大卫科波菲尔式废话,可我老实告 诉你,我无意告诉你这一切。首先,这类事情叫我腻烦;其次,我要是细谈我父母的个人私 事,他们俩淮会大发脾气。对于这类事情,他们最容易生气,特别是我父亲。他们为人倒是 挺不错——我并不想说他们的坏话——可他们的确很容易生气。再说,我也不是要告诉你他 妈的我整个自传。我想告诉你的只是我在去年圣诞节前所过的那段荒唐生活,后来我的身体 整个儿垮了,不得不离家到这儿来休养一阵。我是说这些事情都是我告诉DB的,他是我哥哥,在好莱坞。那地方离我目前可怜的住处不远,所以他常常来看我,几乎每个周末都来, 我打算在下个月回家,他还要亲自开车送我回去。他刚买了辆“美洲豹”,那是种英国小轿 车,一个小时可以驶两百英里左右,买这辆车花了他将近四千块钱。最近他十分有钱。过去 他并不有钱。过去他在家里的时候,只是个普通作家,写过一本了不起的短篇小说集《秘密 金鱼》,不知你听说过没有。这本书里最好的一篇就是《秘密金鱼》,讲的是一个小孩怎样 不肯让人看他的金鱼,因为那鱼是他自己花钱买的 Vomit slot - how to vomit slot Only in Japan (crosstalk) aimless, two actors points as stunned character (boke) and spitting slot tsukkomi roles (). What is stunned, what is spitting slot? Is not limited to the language, can include action, and even the general behavior, however this kind of behavior often irrational dunk, for instance, the YingMuHuaDao often said "the master" I be a genius ", and such as tang's monk sing "campaigns you", all stunned character's actions. Natural relative to the ultra words, action and reaction daze thinkers to education to correct me, like cherry wood said "I be a genius", red wood hit him with his fist, tang's monk sing "copy" sovereign treasure have said "oh you mama head uh-oh," red wood and sovereign treasure act is spitting slot. Vomit slot - vomit slot essence The first point is that of immediacy, taking a silly daze, vomit slot to immediately gave him a run (a ninety-degree folded her arms, "pa" tap it with the other once). Like Chinese crosstalk among the PengGen moralisation dress, that DouGen pig tiger, induces the cow the blow, the greater the words more say more absurd, to finally only then that is not jeopardize debunk spit slots. The second point is implicit language, the Japanese like subtle gags, so the finest vomit trough of discrete daze game, particularly in ridiculous, need not spit slot servants debunk will let person understanding laugh. Because if the amusing in a daze service was too obvious, the meaning of JieDuan spit slot servants have less to many. And it can show the latter's shrewd and former stupid, rise to contrast smile fruit (aimless and is very like with contrast funny, most notably partner 2 people often a high a short a fat a skinny such). Implicit language also reflect in the vomit slots Vomit slot - delegate character Virtual = vomit slot, o Character: o virtual sources: the spring of melancholy "cool palace Evaluation: this gentleman is representative of the spit slot bounded spit slot king, who spit slot professional level. Deficiency often in narrator, will anyone to pieces, and vomit vomit slots people cannot be refuted. Rather than the voice actresses' actual recordings, o los deficiency, TianZhi and also the author youngsters flow was also a spit slot pro! ) Character: light source: Mo garment son temple of the escape school Evaluation: with poison tongue, vomit slot hidden ability, speculated that level AAA (mistakenly). In this respect, the same with virtual border. ) Character: volunteers village: the new eight source silver soul" Evaluation: existence significance is to spit slot, otherwise it only glasses Vomit slot - classical vomit slot segments "Transformers" have a period of when the first seven area man said: "it's Numbers NBE - 1", the leading role to say: "sir, I didn't mean to spit your slot, but it (point to the NBE - 1) is much megatron, he is a decepticon leader!" The catcher in the rye: if you really want to hear me speak, you want to know the first thing may be where I was born, I shit childhood how to spend, my parents were born before I do something, and such David Copperfield type crap, but I honest accuse lawsuit you, I didn't mean to tell you all this. First of all, this kind of thing that I bored; Secondly, I if fine talk my parents' personal private matter, they both approval would throw tantrums. For this kind of thing, they are the most easily mad, especially my father. Their humanness is actually pretty good - and I don't want to say their backs - but they really get angry easily. Besides, I'm not going to tell you his mama of my whole autobiography.
  6. Vomit slot - how to vomit slot Only in Japan (crosstalk) aimless, two actors points as stunned character (boke) and spitting slot tsukkomi roles (). What is stunned, what is spitting slot? Is not limited to the language, can include action, and even the general behavior, however this kind of behavior often irrational dunk, for instance, the YingMuHuaDao often said "the master" I be a genius ", and such as tang's monk sing "campaigns you", all stunned character's actions. Natural relative to the ultra words, action and reaction daze thinkers to education to correct me, like cherry wood said "I be a genius", red wood hit him with his fist, tang's monk sing "copy" sovereign treasure have said "oh you mama head uh-oh," red wood and sovereign treasure act is spitting slot.
  7. Don't waste your life, that you will regret place. 这是真心的忠告!
  8. Credulous hearsay, like a silly dog, others literally threw a stone hurried and ran to pick
  9. 金钱化妆你的外表,佛法啓悟你的内在
  10. 只有极客知道这是什么东西,甚至意味着一半不要担心
  11. 监督啊,大家都知道,生气是一种无知,又无济于事,可是又奈何不了它。
  12. (┬_┬) (#--)/ .
  13. 我就像现在一样看着你微笑,沉默,得意,失落,于是我跟着你开心也跟着你难过,只是我一直站在现在而你却永远停留过去 .
  14. I as now looking at you smile, silent, proud, lost, so I followed you happy with your sad, but I have always stood by now and you're stay forever in the past.
  15. 人很奇怪,不了解自己,却又每天想去干涉别人,弄得痛苦不堪。
  16. People are very strange, don't understand themselves, but they everyday think to intervene in others, made miserable.
  17. A serect makes a woman woman;秘密让女人更具女人味