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  1. 要求不高,保持现状!保持联系够……
  2. catfan名不虚传,被喵侵蚀地相当严重,喵……
  3. 最近犯桃花运了?
  4. QQ突然狂跳,RP飙升?
  5. The Catalyst,1’15”听着很不舒服,甚至有点土……%>_<%
  6. 电脑推E5C效果果然比万恶的shuffle好太多……决定换大功率播放设备,up
  7. 突然觉得《New Divide》很适合我……

    New Divide   新的鸿沟   I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me   我忆起乌云满天,四下里电闪雷鸣   I remembered each flash as time began to blur   我忆起每个瞬间,岁月恍惚而过   Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me   这凶兆惊现,终不能逃脱这厄运   Just your voice was all I heard   只能听到你在说   Did I get what I deserve   我得到我应得的了吗   So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean   那给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清   Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes   让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊   Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between   给我理由,填满豁口,将这断路铺平   Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies   让苦楚收手,直达真理彼岸   Across this new divide   跨越这新阵线   There was nothing in sight, but memories left abandoned   眼前一片漆黑,而记忆也尘封已久   There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow   没有藏身之所,灰烬飞扬如雪   And the ground caved in between where we were standing   在你我之间,天已崩塌地已陷   Just your voice was all I heard   只能听到你在说   Did I get what I deserve   我得到我应得的了吗   So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean   那给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清   Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes   让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊   Across this new divide   跨越这新阵线   In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you'd deny   每一次损失,每一次谎言,每个真相你都会否认   And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide   每次反悔,每次分开,都已错到无可抵赖   Just your voice was all I heard   只能听到你在说   Did I get what I deserve   我得到我应得的了吗    So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean   那给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清   Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes   让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊   Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between   给我理由,填满豁口,将这断路铺平   Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies   让苦楚收手,直达真理彼岸   Across this new divide   跨越这新阵线   Across this new divide   跨越这新阵线   Across this new divide   跨越这新阵线
  8. 必须依计行事,谁也无法阻止我!
  9. 这样的深夜,睡不着觉,就想听着歌一个人去外面走走,散散心
  10. 今天是个悲伤的日子吗?
  11. leave out all the rest 再次被感动
  12. 说实话,虽然发生了踩踏事件,我还是非常向往那样的盛会!
  13. 天呐,帮帮我吧,不想再过这样的日子,但愿过去的一切都是一场梦,醒来什么都没发生过。
  14. 难以想象shuffle5+E5C的组合会成什么样~杯具,明天试一下,就一下,对不起了我的耳机
  15. 难以想象shuffle5+E5C的组合会成什么样~杯具,都不怎么敢尝试,可是木有好的播放器了%>_<%
  16. 一时冲动,耳机线的长度达到了惊人的2.1米,怎么办%>_<%
  17. 生日快乐
  18. ……杯具,一激动把杨梅核给咽下去了- -!!!
  19. shuffle3再次杯具,想换前端了……没钱%>_<%
  20. 测试结果: