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  1. NCHSAA votes to cut high school football season to 11 weeks [link url=""] Hope more states could make similar decision, like shorting fall seasons or delaying the start of winter sports, to reduce the overlap of the fall and winter sports seasons.
  2. 推特又超载了.."Twitter is over capacity. Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again."...
  3. I Like Idol Gives Back!
  4. 北京天上人间官网,还有优秀员工展示.........[link url=""]
  5. 这照片拍得绝对够专业,要是说这是被强迫或者要挟的,那只能说你的声明和呼唤人们对你同情那才是被逼无奈之举.

    Open in Google Docs Viewer Open link in new tab Open link in new window Download file Copy link address [img src=""]
  6. [link url=""] 闫凤娇图片
  7. 转载: 推荐一个支持oAuth的Twitter备份工具,可以很方便的将你的Twitter发布的信息导出为EXCEL的格式,用户不必输入用户名和密码,可备份的信息包括:微博、跟随者、好友、收藏、私信等,地址: [link url=""]
  8. CN Map

    [img src="" width="600" height="465"] Open in Google Docs Viewer Open link in new tab Open link in new window Download file Copy link address
  9. China children 'hacked to death' in new school attack

    [link url=""] 12 May:Seven children killed and 20 hurt in Hanzhong, Shaanxi province 30 April:Five children hurt in hammer attack in Weifang, Shandong 29 April:Three adults and 28 children injured in Taixing, Jiangsu 28 April:At least 15 children and one teacher injured in Leizhou, Guangdong 24 March:Eight children killed in Nanping, Fujian [img src="" width="226" height="170"]
  10. 这个很反动 - [link url=""]
  11. A - Z

    [img src="" width="438" height="526"]
  12. Internet vs. Chinternet

    Open in Google Docs Viewer Open link in new tab Open link in new window Download file Copy link address [img src="" width="500" height="300"]
  13. 凤姐点评: 韩寒不入流 地球一个入流的都没有...
  14. 今天真热.还没有从Star Trip中缓过劲来.困....
  15. Hello Cat!