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  1. 心情跌倒谷底了
  2. 120+135

    始终对店里扫描的不满意 还是得买个底扫 [img src="" width="640" height="640"] [img src="" width="640" height="640"] [img src="" width="640" height="640"] [img src="" width="640" height="433"] [img src="" width="640" height="435"] [img src="" width="640" height="435"] 大图在Flickr
  3. 哦也照片出来了 顺便去上班╰(*°▽°*)╯
  4. 有点想搞二之国了
  5. 尽管起得很早 但看样子又要迟到了...先去把胶卷冲了吧...
  6. 6点多起床送老婆 回家弄早餐 顺便趁着好阳光把135的胶卷拍完了 真是充满意义的一个早晨啊!
  7. 早啊哈哈哈哈哈哈
  8. 呀呵原来信用卡积分还是有用的.以后就用来买电影票了!
  9. 本来昏昏欲睡 一听Ray Charles马上精神了 过瘾
  10. evangellee不是你的好友
  11. PSV订起来了
  12. 睡落枕了.出门.
  13. [ 女演员淡定演唱《泰坦尼克》主题曲 惊爆全场 ] 大家有兴趣可以搜索看一下..........................
  14. wooooohh``封数据mile stone的party~~~~~~!!
  15. 今天天气可是真真儿的好啊!
  16. 早睡早起从我做起
  17. Are you lonesome tonight

    Are you lonesome tonight, Do you miss me tonight? Are you sorry we drifted apart? Does your memory stray To a brighter sunny day When I kissed you And called you sweetheart? Do the chairs in your parlor Seem empty and bare? Do you gaze at your doorstep And picture me there? Is your heart filled with pain Shall I come back again? Tell me dear Are you lonesome tonight? I wonder if you're lonesome tonight You know someone said that the world's a stage And each must play a part. Fate had me playing in love you as my sweet heart. Act one was when we met I loved you at first glance You read your line so cleverly and never missed a cue Then came act two You seemed to change and you acted strange And why I'll never know. Honey, you lied when you said you loved me And I had no cause to doubt you. But I'd rather go on hearing your lies Than go on living without you. Now the stage is bare and I'm standing there With emptiness all around And if you won't come back to me Then make them bring the curtain down.
  18. evangellee有着桃红色的中长的卷发,身高174。瞳孔为青色。时常穿着针织外套。职业是网店经营,喜欢开冷空调盖棉被。是个傲娇受。[link url=""]
  19. hmm

    有的事情 看人看天看缘分 既然怎么努力都争取不到 就由他去吧 让一切随风 [img src="" width="640" height="962"]
  20. 今天阳光巨好