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  1. 測試重複發表bug。
  2. Caftan, debugging. 發表時按了五次post就重複發表了五次。orz
  3. Lost in the middle of nowhere.
  4. 發個圖還要寫title⋯

    [img src="" width="640" height="640"] 測試一下1.2版發圖⋯
  5. Come die with me.
  6. 銷戶的選項呢?
  7. 終於可以不用點來點去找「post」鍵發推了。有一種程序猿終於開始使用這個app了的感動是怎麼回事⋯
  8. Shit happens. Shitty people happens.
  9. Life hurts.
  10. Check on you. And Rick says "I just wanted to check on you." That's all I need baby. Check on me. Care to check on me.
  11. 夕暮れ

    [img src="" width="640" height="640"] 有時候,雖然只有很短的幾秒鐘或幾分鐘而已,夕陽西下,天氣剛好,走在街上,有點疲憊但還不是太累,疲倦得恰恰好的時候,看見霞光從天的盡頭心無芥蒂的誠懇老實的撲過來,好像要與你主動和解似的⋯那個時候,雖然只有幾秒鐘或幾分鐘,就覺得好棒,世界還有救。
  12. 屁!
  13. 開著vpn也連不到line到底要怎麼辦⋯望方濱興闔家去死!⋯(筋
  14. Try not to follow me...guys I really have nothing much to say...nothing much that matters anyway.
  15. Meeting up with potential new landlord...or roommate. Hopefully it works out. If not...well, oh well. Fingers crossed it won't be too awkward. Although it seems God always has surprises for me so...
  16. This, in no way...can be good.
  17. Dear god...please don't play with my emotions...they're really fragile...and plus you break it you buy it! :p
  18. I'm fucking looping and the only way to get outta this is flip over and die. Need some help flipping...
  19. 看見catfan的update說有UI improvement,就進來體會一下⋯
  20. ikebukuro

    [img src="" width="640" height="640"] Testing catfan iPhone app.