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  1. 决定再次开始“戒叹气”。聊天时不用“哎”,“sigh”,“叹”…平时也不用嘴巴鼻孔耳朵眼睛各种器官叹气。上月破戒居然是因为吃||| 吃货~ anyway,远离叹气,生活更美好,❤~
  2. 与君共勉

    [img src="" width="600" height="384"]
  3. 工作日,转向topic模式…今天的topic是复习上周不熟的部分。part3想尝试着按问题分类集中练练,不知道可行不,试试咯~所以今天是:importance, differences, advantages and disadvantages先这三项,♪~
  4. 羽毛田丈史 - 34. 青い花 (Sweet ver.)

    night [audio src=""] [img src="" width="500" height="495"]
  5. 六小时后起床~去早市买鸡蛋灌饼木瓦哈哈~~~然后去自习。上午:大作文笔记总结,模板;阅读题from真题题源;做6日口语练习的总结。下午:小作文,大作文~。计划暂定变化随记。啊,另外,今天被鸭妹抢了台词——我不想睡觉 |||
  6. 睡前日省吾身~1.今天模考第三部分,筋疲力尽…但是人类和人类的互动真的是效果明显进步飞速啊,远远好过我每天对着电脑狂喷。2. 白天写了大作文2篇,还好没有忘光,不过水平也够差,心微寒。3.收到明信片未署名,来自瑞士日内瓦湖畔,鸡冻了。
  7. 周五晚上发烧…吃了药昏昏沉沉睡到十一点,自习室的老位子居然没人坐哈哈~元气!
  8. 1.a hobby you enjoyed in your childhood. 2.changes in your hometown. 3.the most successful person you know. 4.a movie you watched recently. 5.something you can do for the environment. 6.something you are good at. 我真的不知道什么是成功的人…今天先六个咯
  9. S.E.N.S. - 春爛漫

    把写作笔记弄丢了 T-T 还好明天是周五...然后周末又要到了,永远都有another day. [audio src=""]
  10. 时光复活,主页上台词专题做的真好,“there some good in this world, and its worth fighting for. 这世上一定存在着某种美好,值得我们为之奋斗到底。”感动~
  11. 书送到了,随手翻翻还是挺好的^^。2011年的字是“礼”,解释很无力,“可能还看不到最终结果的一年,加油啊!”,说了和没说一样,最终结果是2012么?
  12. 今天的:1.type of popular music. advertisement. 3.your favourite TV program or radio presenter. activity outside. 5.a toy you had when you were a child. 6.a close friend 7.a person who speaks another foreign language. 从今天开始把话题增加到7个了,这样可以多准备一点~
  13. 今天的话题:1.Describe a teacher who has taught you in your childhood and you want to meet him/her again. 2.describe a day which you spent away from your work and study to relax. 3.Describe a situation that someone gave you useful advice. 4.describe a well-known artistic person you admire. 5.describe a famous person. 加油咯~
  14. Ann'Sanat (Alizbar) - Idje Sen

    [audio src=""] 我觉得自己可能不会太长寿,所以有限的时间就好好珍惜,多看书多学习多玩多吃。
  15. 累…不过也许人人如此,冲杯咖啡,想想在坚持的也不是只有自己。换了利物浦的笔袋,红色非常亢奋,印着LOGO和LFC的字样,每次看到you'll never walk alone的字都会信心百倍!
  16. Dwelling - A Gaze of Innocence

    实践联系灵魂脱壳的好夜晚 [audio src=""]
  17. 今天的几个话题, agian..2.enjoyable event. +p3 history 3.useful website. 4.interesting historic place. 6. traditional event in china.
  18. 小佳我想你,也想吃包子…
  19. 我辞职了,但是要等招新,亲爱的新,你快点来吧
  20. Rihanna - Ronnie And Clyde (SNL Digital Short)

    SNL我又败了我又更爱你了=3= [link url=""]