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  1. 爬上来了。真开心你们还在。
  2. ……当急脾气的技术,遇上完美主义强迫症的设计……好想掀桌子(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻
  3. 窝始终相信学渣疯狂起来怎么也能顶半个学霸的……祝我论文顺利完成……QAQ
  4. 这个时间,下午的阳光刚刚好,轻快的英文歌流淌过耳朵,隔绝了喧闹。还缺一杯咖啡。
  5. 设计师也是蛮辛苦的。辛辛苦苦的做出效果图你一句不满意就得马不停蹄的改,出了N版图之后你说喜欢第一版…嘴上说着一定要高!大!上!然后拿个几年前的案例说照!这!个!来!…
  6. 上午几乎什么也没干,也只P了71张图,下午不知道还有多少张图要改。今天连阳光都没有,说好的晴天呢,天气预报骗了我这么多年为什么还没有被关进警察局。
  7. I am not a Superman. I wanna a life with my style.
  8. 杀老师太萌…虽然漫画已经看到很后面的地方了…依旧非常期待动漫…别人家的老师…
  9. I must trust myself I can do it. The works for myself, for the future, for you. Never give up.
  10. Time is moneyT^T if I wake up early more ten...
  11. Remember there are no mistakes, only lessons. Love yourself. Trust your choices. And everything is possible.
  12. To be hardworking for any pay will return the report. T^T
  13. A really busy day .
  14. The new job is many hard to me. I don't know how to do and what should I do, but I will keep the patient to learn it and use it. Always I believe that everything will be better. Fighting! ^^
  15. Hi, everyone. I`m karenonekiss.