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  1. a cat and a fish

    [img src="" width="344" height="500"]
  2. 所谓美女三分长相七分打扮;所谓气质三分才气七分装蒜;所谓温柔三分忍让七分压抑。
  3. 又有清明節和復活節假期,太好了...
  4. Mice Responsible for a Fire That Killed Over 100 Cats

    In an ironic event that may be called the mice revenge, mice are being held responsible for a blaze that killed nearly 100 cats at an animal shelter near the Canadian city of Toronto. The fire at the humane society shelter in Oshawa also killed three dogs and some rats that were up for adoption. An initial report from the fire marshal says mice or rats chewing through electrical wires in the ceiling are likely to have sparked the blaze. The $250,000 (£137,000) fire is still under investigation by the Ontario Fire Marshal\'s office. [img src=""]
  5. 物種之間的友情

    [img src="" width="375" height="500"]
  6. 其實SHE的《我愛雨夜花》是很贊的...
  7. 训觉啦~各位晚安...
  8. 今天看见一个很久不见的朋友的签名状态后有人留言亲爱的之类,再一看那个熟悉的名字,于是我知道这位朋友和她分手一两年的男友又和好了。我不禁在想是真的觉得找到自己合适的人还是难以抵抗寂寞与孤独?一丝不挂真的只是情歌的歌词,唱唱而已
  9. 快递猫

    [img src="" width="480" height="360"]
  10. 哎,又落雨了...
  11. 讲真的,其實香港的網速唔錯下...雖然比日本慢好多..
  12. 究竟美國有無51區嫁?好神秘...
  13. 啦啦,我上线了 <( ̄︶ ̄)>
  14. 換來換去,還是這個theme最好看。
  15. 搞左半天,都唔知道Plurk點樣玩》。。
  16. 美丽的大波浪卷发是如何制造出来的。[link url=""]
  17. #Nowplaying SHE-SHERO
  18. Google.hk越來越卡了,Google快升級伺服器!
  19. 今天很多人很活躍啊.
  20. J2嘅銀魂好搞笑啊...