♫♪can we pretend that airplanes in the night skies are like shooting stars, i could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now♪♫
life, enjoy it...love, capture it...problems, overcome it...mistakes, learn from it...etc...
My Origami and Photography
[img src="http://catf.me/photos/0718a934d8847b70624ba3aad35621ed.jpg" width="640" height="425"] [img src="http://catf.me/photos/1e8bf1f6d5c77ba64e22df6632ad2b57.jpg" width="640" height="425"] -
Google Chrome > IE ^^
Plan life but don't expect it follow through. Have hope but expect the worse. Remember the past but don't stay too long. Aspire goals but don't stress about the future.
Stanford...too demanding :(
So I've been having an issue with audacity, and hopefully someone here will be able to help me out. Windows 7 (home premium 64bit) Happens on newest versions of both Audacity Beta/Audacity Tascam US-122 external interface with FW-1884 drivers (all drivers up to date) Shure Unidyme II dynamic instrumental microphone, model - 548s (happens with other mics as well) all programs/drivers have been unistalled/reinstalled Windows recognizes the interface/microphone as the primary device and claims it is working correctly all recordings are done in studio quality settings (with mono channel) sound activated recording is turned off my control panel settings are set to the recommended for the device (audio input at been tested at highest levels as well) _____________________________________________________________________ Basically, I press record, and the recording channel appears, and the input line goes back and forth in the 0.0-0.1 seconds range, and never progresses. It's not the end of the world if I can't use audacity, but it is an easier approach to simple recordings...so any ideas? -
Delicious :D
[img src="http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/259916_1782402650991_1567227168_31423824_6327838_n.jpg"] my photography -
instruments that are painful to play -.-
♫♪'Cause when a heart breaks, no it don't breakevenWhat am I suppose to do when the best part of me was always you andWhat am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up and you're okayI'm falling to pieces♪♫ -breakeven (the script) </3
Because we like taking pictures..
[img src="http://catf.me/photos/651e196c0218032e3c392c9461c2fdbe.jpg" width="537" height="720"] [img src="http://catf.me/photos/7aeeaebb8531d52c47a05d82953d8911.jpg" width="640" height="425"] My friend and i decided to take pictures of each other taking pictures haha :) -
Stretch Hummer and Partying xD
[img src="http://catf.me/photos/46ab5504307bcad66018b8ed09791a2c.jpg" width="640" height="480"] [img src="http://catf.me/photos/8cd53658ea4a936efc3352a198a6ed86.jpg" width="640" height="480"] Went to my friend's amazing birthday party :) -
Went "camping" with friends :D
[img src="http://catf.me/photos/14c8fa9a294cfe58d68eb30586bd56cb.jpg" width="640" height="425"] [img src="http://catf.me/photos/3574e28e99de7a5861b06592ae13647d.jpg" width="640" height="425"] -
[video src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EEqiOzBRwwI&feature=feedu"] -
cafe and wifi <3
I have the strongest desire to go to a cafe tomorrow...O.o
new laptop :D
Amazing Song :)
[video src="http://www.youtube.com/v/W_l_A6-7td0"] -
life is not a fairytale -.-
And when I hear that song, I have to turn off the radio because it reminds me of you </3