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  1. Don't care so much about what other people thought of you. It's meaningless.Do whatever is right and you'd like to do.
  2. My aim is to be in the top 10 these days. Hahhah~
  3. It is better not to be in love with blood type AB, because it can not show I'm an interesting person, and I doubt if blood type A can find out that.
  4. It seems the QQ news in bottom-right corner cannot automatically fade away any more.
  5. I'm thinking of a wonderful English name.
  6. orz.... To communicate with him is impossible.
  7. I suddenly realized that they are company.
  8. Thank you for made me happy.
  9. How to set widgets......ah ah ah~~~
  10. I'm talking with a stranger that I'm actually have no interest.
  11. Is that so.
  12. I'm going to pick a white digital product next time.
  13. I want to eat egg tart and ice-cream~~~~~~o(>_<)o ~~
  14. She pissed me off!
  15. Good night

    They dazzled me before I'm going to bed. [img src="" width="600" height="400"] [img src="" width="600" height="374"] [img src="" width="600" height="400"] Good night.
  16. I wonder how does catfan publicize.
  17. Is there only one restaurant in America? Why the packing of Chinese ravioli take-away is always like that. Even exactly the same as 20 years ago!
  18. Leonard‘s mother is so interesting, lol ~~
  19. It's become cold again, and I've got stomachache. FML o(>﹏<)o
  20. It seems the people of Guangzhou are more insterested in using microblog, for I've seen them everywhere.