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  1. 除了永远都不会做的证明题以外好像都会做了嘛……头一次有复习完了的感觉……
  2. 55公斤吗……
  3. 星期天考完电路就直奔电影院决定了!!!!!!!再刷一遍IMAX!!!!!!!
  4. 嗯……果然还是不要再这样下去了……又变回一盆植物……这回是一盆苔藓
  5. 好恐怖室友刚刚说了梦话......成功将我的鼾声恐惧症推广到了睡眠时怪异举动恐惧症......说起来那位老兄还梦过游呢......QAQ
  6. 剛剛才發現花露水在冬天是稀罕物件⋯⋯跑遍整個學校才找到唯一剩下的最後一瓶⋯⋯花露水廠冬天都放假嗎⋯⋯
  7. 今天学校里各种回家……TAT
  8. 左右手小拇指,左手无名指中指指纹可以不要……其他没有一个可以割舍啊TAT但偏偏只能录五个TAT
  9. 看了星际穿越再来复习复变函数……突然觉得复变函数好罗曼蒂克……
  10. 我爱汉语TAT
  11. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
  12. INTERSTELLAR tomorrow decided!!!!!!! Seem to forget all my burdens...
  13. Row, row, row you boat, gently down the stream~
  14. I find that I have snoring phobia...
  15. I don't know how on earth my roommate managed to do it, but he did make a 12-day holiday for himself and is now leaving for home... I wanna roar!!!!!!!
  16. Suddenly I find that I've signed up for an odd activity, which has some really odd rules...
  17. Really dizzy after two posters...
  18. Now I'm going to run, leaving a pile of things behind...
  19. This stuff has nothing to do with inspiration. It's a matter of olfaction, a matter of instinct unfortunately. It is like you use your whole life to look for a miracle, which others may only regard as a normal breakfast, just making them confused. So the truth is, that while something need not to learn, something can never be learned:-(