当年在看supernatural,说如何判断是人还是demon呢,就是通过镜头观察光眼,if 光眼,then demon;…介个喵喵是无意间在楼梯口拍下来的…当时被它的眼神吓到了… [img src="http://catf.me/photos/367993679182a0b59f62f154a2f15001.jpg" width="640" height="480"] -
[img src="http://catf.me/photos/312372a017440877b5d819567bd46279.jpg" width="479" height="600"] -
刚在mc,旁边坐着2女1男。 2女在吵架。 a:我从来没说过谎 b:闭嘴,你说过 a:你说啊,我说过什么 b:你说过我好看 冷死人了…
[img src="http://catf.me/photos/e349359eb4d47d53d554b67e18c54b5b.jpg" width="306" height="226"] -
[img src="http://catf.me/photos/5eafaca630a2eb754f720ee756f9ac3f.jpg" width="433" height="273"] -
乃们敢吃么… [img src="http://catf.me/photos/b03dea6d60d158695b53883c355cd239.jpg" width="451" height="344"] -
[img src="http://catf.me/photos/815106069761e4e07b15e8aaf1fe815b.jpg" width="380" height="413"] -
once doesn't mean any things to me come show me the meaning of complete where did our love go wrong once we were so strong how can i go on? when you told me you loved me did you know it would take me the rest of my life to get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out night when you let me believe that you weren't complete without me by your side how could i know that you would go that you would run baby, i thought you were the one why can't i just leave it all behind i felt passion so bright that i was blind then something made me weak talking in my sleep baby, i'm in so deep and you know i believed when you told me you loved me did you know it would take me the rest of my life to get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out night when you let me believe that you weren't complete without me by your side how could i know that you would go that you would run baby, i thought you were the one your lips your face something that time just cat't erase find my heart could break all over again when you told me you loved me did you know it would take me the rest of my life to get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out night when you let me believe that you weren't complete without me by your side how could i know that you would go that you would run baby, i thought you were the one [audio src="http://english.sz2g.cn/UploadFile/2006-3/20063139275538767.mp3"] -
“我爱你”“亲爱的中国移动客户,我也很爱你,愿一生一世与您相伴。为了感谢您一直以来的支持,借此告诉您一些实用小知识:1.想查话费:发短信“查话费”到10086;2.想免费定制每月账单,发“开短信账单”到10086;3. 想查手机上网流量情况,发“查流量”到10086;4.想了解手机上网各种流量套餐,发“包流量”或“国内移动数据”到10086;5.想了解自己所有开通的增值业务,发“0000”到10086进行查询或退订;6.所有与10086之间的短信都是免费的;7.想了解更多,发“10086”到“10086”。最后再次代表中移动短营感谢您,谢谢! ”
我:在先锋,控制不住买了堆书. 司徒:/流汗。我是在海边,控制不住买了套房...(--!)