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  1. 把なつめ 听成了 ふゆ,外星人……你们别做翻译了…………这两个词很谐音吗????
  2. 養う 被翻译成“原谅”,看来你们是查字典都学不会了……
  3. 把“结局”直接翻译为中文的”结局“…………你有好好背单词吗?有好好看例句吗?
  4. 把いっぱい 听成 痛い……真有你们的……
  5. "娘なのに" 被翻译成 “明明胀得难受”,你确信你们不是在翻译自己的脑补剧情吗??
  6. 这天才字幕组又把「躾だ」  听成了 [しつこいんだ],哪有你们这种菜鸟的啊……就算听力不好,上文不是已经提到了吗……
  7. 说实话我对兔女郎没有什么特殊的爱好。
  8. 呼……看了一堆萌图……果然还是二次元好啊……何等治愈……该死的三次元……
  9. 一月新番《IS》的游戏化也许只是时间问题哦,说不定会登陆三公主和小公主这两个平台。
  10. 《V星入侵》这部美剧挺棒的。
  11. 我并不讨厌阴谋论,因为这个三次元的确已经相当扭曲了﹁_﹁
  12. 在架设TWIP上推时出现的问题!求教!

    Save Token 输入并确认密码之后出现的错误提示: Warning: file_put_contents(/oauth/nounaikanojo.oauth) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in/home/liuaie/domains/ on line 30 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/liuaie/domains/ in/home/liuaie/domains/ on line 32
  13. 其实本来我也没有重视《食夢者瑪莉》的,不过我看到这图以后决定今天去看了

    [img src="" width="500" height="700"]
  14. “Ero-Manga Prevents Rape? So You’re All Sex Criminals?”(转自Sankaku complex)

    转自:[link url=""] Strike Witches creator and general loli pantsu mangaka par excellence Fumikane Shimada has expressed his disapproval with the oft-repeated argument that censorship of ero-manga will increase sex crimes. Fumikane on the “catharsis” argument that porn reduces sex crime: “I cannot abide the ero-manga catharsis theory – treating all ero-manga readers as potential sex criminals is not something I like.” This is the argument that otaku are latent sex fiends and all that keeps them from raping little girls is the ready availability of such esteemed lolicon publications as LO. Ban their manga, and you unleash these perverts on your children, imply the advocates of this position. Even such great mangaka as Kentaro Miura have fallen into the trap of espousing this hideous argument, his great mind perhaps dulled by too many hours spent idol fancying. That great hive of actual sex criminals weighs in on the topic with its usual insight: “Show me a human who isn’t a potential sex criminal!” “It’s right – otaku are potential sex offenders. Take away their manga and they’ll start raping little girls.” “It’s more like this: Hysterical pro-censorship types: ‘It increases sex crimes so it should be banned!’ Clever censorship opponents: ‘There’s no data to support that hypothesis and no scientific basis to think that it would increase sex crimes.’ Normal censorship opponents: ‘Banning it may increase the number of rapes!’ Idiot censorship opponents: ‘Ban it and you’ll cause more rapes!’” The “catharsis” argument is of course not only without any basis in fact, it also plays straight into the hands of censorship advocates by conceding that the ranks of the group being targeted are indeed filled with deviants and criminals, just as censorship advocates were shrieking all along. It is for this reason that those defending murder simulators, the devil’s music and all the debauchery of the printed word are rarely caught saying their medium is all that is stopping more of their ranks from unleashing their murderous impulses on society. It is hard to see why any ero-manga fans would not be well served by adopting the same position and refusing to acknowledge any supposed connection between their favoured art-form and the prevention or promotion of sex crimes.
  15. “It’s right – otaku are potential sex offenders. Take away their manga and they’ll start raping little girls.” (后半句看得我很想笑)
  16. 我想总有人差不多都认识吧?

    [img src=""]
  17. 岛田老师您真棒! Fumikane Shimada has expressed his disapproval with the oft-repeated argument that censorship of ero-manga will increase sex crimes.
  18. 何等威武!痛寺庙!

    原文地址:[link url=""] [img src="" width="400" height="602"] 这是佛像,真的 [img src="" width="400" height="600"] [img src="" width="400" height="266"]
  19. 每每想起“好きなだけお出しになってください”这句话总让我满心的委屈羡慕嫉妒恨地想去拿头撞铁栏杆
  20. 听着那首《Memories Off》,沉浸在虚无缥缈的回忆和伤感之中……