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  1. /▽\现在BBC RADIO 6是不是猴纸在讲话……幻听?
  2. I hate you
  3. Chatroom给我的感觉是,二次元立体化了=-=very creative but also weird and creep i thought.
  4. =-=我又出现了!!
  5. ↖(^ω^)↗

    [img src="" width="600" height="450"]
  6. 我又回来了……久别重逢啥的(口胡)
  7. Confessions

    "Then why? Why do you keep coming after me?" his voice was strained. "Why do you insist on taking things to another level when you know it's so bloody difficult for me to ignore the past?" John's heart bled confused butterflies in his bloodstream. "Because I love you." Paul titled his head to the side. "I-" "No, that's not all," John cut him off. Paul said nothing. "I'm in love with you." Now Paul's jaw dropped open and his heart slammed loud thuds against his chest. "I'm sorry, and no, I don't know how it happened or when precisely it started, but I know I've just recently figured this out, and I'm still freaking out over the horrifying implications of actually being in love with you. It's like my fucking world is crashing down on me and for some fucked up reason I can't stop smiling about it!"
  8. 《Incpetion》就像製作一部電影的過程本身。齊藤就是電影製作公司,堅持要監督電影的製作。Arthur,要打點一切、清楚一切事情的運作暢順,就是監製。Cobb,指揮行動、把別人帶進自己的夢境與計劃中,就是導演。Adriadne,建設夢境,就是編劇。Eames,懂得變身,就是演員。Yusuf,提供鎮靜劑,就是技術部門。而Fischer就是觀眾。
  9. 第N个人把我认成某大手了……居然勾搭到豆瓣上来了我囧。
  10. 快笑死XDDD!!!!!!!!
    Yoko看到Beady Eye了,说希望Noel和烂总重归于好。Beady Eye=逼弟爱,不多逼迫一会儿烂总发现不了伯的好……(捶地
  11. 好享受啊。

    今天的天气真舒爽吱吱吱吱,食物也很丰盛吱吱吱吱。 [img src="" width="500" height="375"]
  12. (¯﹃¯)

    [img src="" width="460" height="345"]
  13. 但是他走路的姿势实在是……………………(喷绿豆汤
  14. 其实有很多动作还是挺萌的哈哈哈哈!埋手臂什么的,扯动鸭舌帽什么的=w=
  15. 咩哈哈哈哈大萌居然演了电影,虽然没说两句就死了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!!!(严重戳笑点
  16. 外面的世界真精彩。

    吱吱吱吱,外面,好像很好玩呢吱吱吱吱…… [img src="" width="533" height="533"]
  17. 换了台电脑就可以发了(¯﹃¯)这傲娇的喵友哟。
  18. If I Fell

    [img src="" width="500" height="375"] [img src="" width="450" height="292"] [img src="" width="500" height="492"]
  19. 我的喵友又不能发日志了,囧!
  20. They left nothing to hate.