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  1. Sweet Song Sweet Friendship

    Sweet Song by Blur What am I to do Someone is really unhappy Put myself on the knife It seems I never got through to you So I'll wean myself off slowly 我该怎么办 你如此愁眉不展 我忍受着煎熬,似乎从未将你看透 那我还是悄悄遁逃吧 I'm a darkened soul My street's all pop music and coke All our lives on tv Just switch off and try to sleep People get so lonely 我的灵魂变得如此灰暗 只听那些庸俗的音乐,过着堕落的生活 从电视上寻找着人生的缩影 哦,关了吧,那不是真实的,还不如沉沉睡去 世间人多寂寞 I believe, I believe, I believe Everything's out to sea I believe, I believe, I believe I believe that's the way it should be I hope you feel the same 我相信,我明白,我理解 一切都是那般模糊 我相信,我明白,我理解 我知道应该是这样的 我希望你和我心灵相通 Everyone is dying Stop crying now here comes the sun I didn't mean to hurt you, oh no no It takes time to see what you've done So I'll wean myself off slowly 世间人都慢慢逝去 停止哭泣吧,天空阳光灿烂 我不想伤害你,哦,不 你只是需要时间看清你的所行所为 那我还是悄悄遁逃吧 I believe, I believe, I believe Love is the only one I deceive, I deceive, I deceive I deceive cos I'm not that strong I hope you feel the same 我相信,我明白,我理解 爱是唯一 我欺骗,我说谎,我自欺欺人 因为我没有那么坚强 我希望你和我彼此默契 And now, now It seems that It's falling apart But I hope I see the good in you Come back again I just believed in you 而现在,现在 似乎我们彼此失散了 而我眼中的你永远是那么完美 我希望你能回来 我相信你 在录制这张砖的时候,Graham离开了blur,给了Damon不小的打击。 但是我在他的歌声中听不到怨恨,只听到了他对Graham满满的爱意,而且只有对所爱之人发自内心的眷恋才能唱出这样一首歌。 绝望中又饱含期许。 他始终坚信Graham不会真正弃他而去。 blur只有在四人齐聚的时候才是完整的blur。 Damon只有在Graham重回他身边的时候才是过去那个Damon。 妹的,要哭死了T_T
  2. What am I to do,someone is really unhappy.
    Put myself on the knife,It seems I never got through to you.So I'll wean myself off slowly.
  3. Damon and Graham,they're so sweet

    甜蜜死了T▽T [video src=""]
  4. Damon-waterloo sunset 1995

    和前辈合唱,羞涩的(……)猴子。 [video src=""]
  5. MF: I was injured day three. I slipped on the ice outside my trailer while holding a bowl of porridge and went down like a ton of bricks and did my wrist in. Benedict opened his door and went, “Are you alright?” And I said, “No not really.” Then we ended up going to hospital.
  6. 我想说,某些人明明年龄跟我一样大,为人却煞笔的不得了,有的人比我小,反而做事很成熟,说话很有分寸。所以光看年龄还是看不出什么啊。
  7. Beady Eye=逼弟爱,伯你没必要做到这个地步吧?
  8. Beautiful Ones

    [audio src=""] [img src="" width="656" height="914"]
  9. "And my long-time rival,Evan Lysacek......"——莫名地萌了!
  10. Just like you said, you leave my life, I'm better off dead.
  11. Now the drugs don't work,they just make you worse.But I know I'll see your face again.
  12. 俺的豆瓣头像乱萌一把的,虽然是偷的图嘿嘿=▽=
  13. Baby I’m Yours

    [audio src=""] 在这边也推一遍,真的很有Beatles的风格,爱死了。 我对浪漫的曲风完全没有抵抗力,特别是作为FanVideo配乐的时候。
  14. 捂眼睛!

    [img src="" width="522" height="600"] 绿组这两兄弟,基情的很啊T▽T 什么时候我能看到面面这样吻猴子啊?!!!布勒家的孩子们接吻太清水了?!只是“Mua”一声!不够不够!!(喂
  15. 自从萌上吱吱和猴子以后对老鼠和灵长类动物都提升了好感度(人类除外啊喂!
  16. 就喜欢看面面那委屈的小样=▽=+
  17. “有没有曾经迷恋过哪个同性?”“当然,我可喜欢Graham了。”(然后猴子就抱住了面粉=▽=!
  18. 我去啊这两只萌到让人想犯罪(捶桌)[link url=""]
  19. 什么叫作an out of body experience……?纹身吗?
  20. =A=要被老妈整死了,跟一个更年期的女人交谈太他妈困难了。