- 嗯,想了想还是离开这里比较好。
- 好像我喜欢的人(包括自己)都有妄自菲薄的毛病呢...
- 最近越来越觉得可以写一个自己的自画像了
- Whale Fall
- 至今没有找到落脚点…究竟是傲慢还是不够强大呢?
- 做了个非常不好的噩梦。梦见朋友的家人请很多人到家里生日聚餐,但是却没见到朋友出现,之后突然想起数年前朋友就遇害了…所以其实被请来的都是没有不在场证明的嫌疑人……就像爱丽丝的精神审判一样,自己的记忆是有部分空白的,由于精神压力过大,在朋友家人宣布死讯及感慨的时候醒了……总觉得如果梦继续下去,会和爱丽丝的精神审判一样,推导出自己就是“真凶”的结果吧。
- 五年前的错误,直到今日仍得不到谅解…或许是我太过于自私了吧
- 人类最可怕的时候,就是当他们确信自己是正确的。世界上大多数问题,都是因为蠢货太相信自己是正确的了。互勉
- 只有梦里能和你在一起,却被思念偷走了睡意
- 这场梦真的好长/谁把青春画在了她终究要离开的地方/安静的教室,喧闹的操场/渐渐远去的记忆碎片里/谁的笑靥留在了你的心上/梦想、希望/谁是你曾经的信仰/若有一天故地重游/还能否听到当年花落下的微响
At the end of June
Still do not get to know what the hell is going on. Smiling helps nothing and neither does crying. So fed up with of all the cheating and hesitation. What can last at least a stable period of carefree time? Somebody turns out to be nobody. Ridiculous... Same room, little bar, same old song and I am more than the dresses and voice. Time melt everything. Someday will surely do. I am still not used to believing the fate. Destiny means all kinds of craps. Departure is drawing near and I am still all alone. We'd really love to hurt the ones who we fretfully regret to give up at last. I have been through so much. We tend to be loose, going for binges and desperately soothe someone who we originally want to be with. We just screw it up again. I try to believe anything you say, because i am in love with you now. I was trying to figure out some kind of words which could completely stand for my feelings, which was definitely going in vain. Nothing fills this void. But I am not now. Inconsolable. Exert myself and put myself together. When it comes to falling apart, let it be. let it be. When i think of you all of a sudden. I can not stop singing dramasticly. I am fine, really really fine.- 与君离别意,竹外鸟窥人。如诗少女心,断章不可考。
- 人不可以选择在什么地方,时代和环境出生……因此,自出生那一刻开始,每一个人的生存条件都不一样。这便是宿命。尽管生命的起源只是一种化学反应……尽管灵魂并不存在,精神只是神经细胞的火花……尽管人类的存在只是记忆数据的影子……尽管世上没有神,人一定要靠一己之力在这残酷的世界中挣扎求存……我还是要以意志之名命令你活下去......不是成为人偶,也不作为空壳,只为了自己活下去。
- 晚上好 好久不见呢 还是应该说 初次见面呢?
- 朋友不是知音,即使价值观有差异,依旧会想要互相包容,依旧在一起会感到开心。
- 因本我而痛苦,却因本我而活着的半吊子,有什么权利去给予?
- 究竟是斩断才能变强,还是变强才能斩断?
- すみません
- 每个人都有自己的真实,只要这份真实能够被认可,被允许。难道还不够么?我也曾中二地希望过同一个世界同一个梦想,不过某人教诲过我们:“大家都有自己的梦想。”
- 就算邂逅,但世事如此复杂,也不一定就会事随人愿。