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  1. learning practice

    Since I have left scholl for about two years,and now I have nothing to do at home (i quit my job yet ),I want to pick up English . So I decide to write in English everyday ,just something what I do or think in my life .And I know ,it is a challenge for me .But I am not afraid . So ,where should I begin with? I am twenty-four years old,male,unmarried.unemployed. I am seeking a place now.I will be at home watching movies ,listening music,reading books if I have no interview. Once I almost got a good job,but there is a little problem in my heart when my medical examination came out.It is really a hard time for me .But now I am more confident cause I learn a lot things form that .Thanks for my family and friends who are always there for me . Okay,I guess this is it for today. See u tomorrow.
  2. 面试结果呢?。。。。TNND,就算不要也给我说声啊
  3. 惊闻马儿要调走,心中有点小小的伤感。虽然不在那个地方了,但一想到待了很久的地方没有可留恋之人,无限唏嘘
  4. 回归
  5. 强人在excel中作画

    [video src=""]
  6. 我被震撼了[link url=""]
  7. 马明天回来
  8. 天气阴冷潮湿,心中迷雾不散。
  9. 这网速慢的没治了
  10. 我的天《忍者乱太郎》要拍真人版。
  11. 这个雨能不能来得更猛烈些!
  12. 青春期还没过直接到更年期了。
  13. 灵能力者小田雾响子的谎言。
  14. 一切不以涨工资为目的的激励都是耍流氓
  15. 有意识的锻炼观察感受能力、思考能力
  16. 他不知道,或许永远都不会知道。
  17. 我实在不想去广西钦州转挂蓝啊,特别是年前。神啊,救救我
  18. 下了《蓝宇》,晚上回去看
  19. 马又回家了
  20. 整理邮箱花了好长时间