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  1. 下午去青岛出差。。。
  2. 在淘宝上买了两本书,结果是京东送过来的快递。。。
  3. 今天的徒步路线

    崎岖的石头很锋利,差点划伤了;一路上看到几个人受伤了。这条线路走起来还是有点累的。最高温度31度,后果是晒到手臂都红了。。。 [link url=""] [img src="" width="640" height="477"]
  4. 回来了!东西冲穿越还是挺累的。
  5. 我竟然在追国番。。。。
  6. [link url=""] 星座传说
  7. 好萌的萝莉

    [img src="" width="596" height="897"]
  8. 以前我以为我不挑,其实我错了。
  9. 桌面什么的。。。

    [img src="" width="640" height="360"]
  10. [link url=""] 这个在线阅读器还不错
  11. [link url=""]
  12. Rolling whale

    [img src=""] a Lonely girl is always in a dream that never will be coming true There's so much noise inside her little head she scratches it all around ,she scratches it all around "No problems"the word comes out so light But in return it's gone to the air it's a mistake it what a mistake it' a matter of finding the add one out in the end it rolls again ! one more time, one more time each day I will be rolling one more time so she says, so she says as she prays the meanings of it to her spoken words are you ready yet? Not so ready yet The future is still so far away to me so I'm holding my breath, just now a Rolling girl is faraway in Wasteland. Beyond the colours you can't reach Those overlapping voices in the air she mixes them all all around, she mixes them all around "No problems"the word came out so light But now it vanished without a trece She said thet "I don't give a damn. So let's cause some mistake with me." she tempts me on this hill road. one more time, one more time "I beg you to roll me one more time" so she says, so she says as she lays the meanings of it to unspoken words are you ready yet? Just one moment Its nearly should be hear to show me something so I'm holding my breath, just now one more time, one more time each day I will be rolling one more time so she says, so she says as she plays the sound of laughter to her sporken words are you ready yet? I'm ready now You must be so sick and tired of this so I stop my breathing, just now --------------------- 2011年10月27日 一头鲸被发现死在英国东约克郡的草原上 距离最近的海岸线足足有800米远 身上亦无任何人工或自然伤痕 距推测它是在搁浅后希望通过翻滚来回到海中,却不幸滚错了方向……
  13. 一不小心又睡到了现在。。。
  14. 巴赫无伴奏大提琴每个人拉出来的感觉都不一样哈
  15. 试着练习了一下《卡农》,D大调的五线谱完全不熟悉。。。天气的原因吧,今天的琴声很不好听。
  16. 第二小步舞曲也可以从头拉到尾了。接下来就是练习加练习加练习时间了。。。要不要再挑战一下第三小步舞曲呢?
  17. 您的总得分是:4031-40分:以牙还牙的自我保护者。你是一个明智、谨慎、注重实效的人,也是一个伶俐,有天赋、有才干且谦虚的人。你不容易很快和人成为朋友,却是一个对朋友非常忠诚的人,同时要求朋友对你也忠诚。要动摇你对朋友的信任很难,同样,一旦这种信任被破坏,也就很难恢复。
  18. 正在前往西冲天文台。今晚猎户座流星雨。
  19. 名稱:netcat。位階:Rider。陣營:混亂中立。筋力:C。耐久:E-。敏捷:A。魔力:A-。幸運:D。寶具:D-。Master:伊莉雅。結果:第三組淘汰。
  20. 我不喜欢马友友。。。