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  1. Anthony Lim

    Simple minded, just searching for a space of my own......
  2. yoyo

  3. emogurl1331

  4. J.L.

    I write to let my thoughts fly.
    Sometimes they barely flutter in the pitiful breeze (>_<)>
    Trying to learn to accept myself, and what I can't change.
    Some people in my life ♡ ; also..
    a little more than a little obsessed w
  5. sokoder

    I'am a young photographer and here I try to share my life.
  6. skyblue

  7. Irniah Hamzah

    Irniah Hamzah *22 Mei 1998*
    Senior High School
    Love Doraemon
  8. bydbest

  9. Music Lounge

  10. 青梅煮酒

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