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  1. 拿什么来拯救你,楼下的电脑

  2. 被偏爱的都有恃无恐

    网快死了而我却活着。 奄奄一息的菠萝格拉姆爵士笑的一脸悲壮。
  3. 肚子疼。

    心血来潮想看看 Eduardo Saverin真人是什么样的,于是就去youtube搜了很久。比照片帅一点,张扬一点,英语说的真好呀T T 其实wardo大概就是这样的吧,当年是当年,而我却记得那个打动我的片段:TSN的编剧说,我们的戏拍完了以后,突然接到eduardo的助理的电话,说他想要看这部片子。那是我第一次也是唯一一次见过Eduardo Saverin。
  4. 豆瓣电台一过11点就变得超NB

    哦,夜晚啊,夜晚。 哦,拖延症啊,拖延症。
  5. 听小酒窝听哭了

    我必须考虑一下一些诸如提高情商,远离儿童漫画,多做运动以及少喝热水之类的有益改变了。 PS 今天在图书馆花了5分钟才找到地儿,这是开学的第二周,你开玩喜呢??
  6. 呼气,吸气。呼气。吸气。 再一会儿,就不用想你了。
  7. 我得变得更好一点。
  8. 豆瓣电台开始放nobody

    "Your....your face." He suddenly said. "What?" She waved the hand impatiently. "Your face." He repeated confusedly, "there...there is a sad look." "And I can't understand." He added quickly with fluster. "I wish I could."
  9. 豆瓣电台开始播萧敬腾的倒带

    很好,很好。 我一辈子也别想走出来。
  10. ……

    [img src="" width="640" height="157"] ……求你们忍住了。求你们。
  11. 至理名言啊熊酱

  12. -

    "Trust me, I won't hurt you. Not Anymore. My Dear Love."
  13. 年度最佳求婚歌曲

    For all those times you stood by me   For all the truth that you made me see   For all the joy you brought to my life   For all the wrong that you made right   For every dream you made come true   For all the love I found in you   You were my strength when I was weak   You were my voice when I couldn't speak   You were my eyes when I couldn't see   You saw the best there was in me   Lifted me up when I couldn't reach   You gave me faith 'coz you believed   I'm everything I am   Because you loved me  You gave me wings and made me fly   You touched my hand I could touch the sky   I lost my faith, you gave it back to me   You said no star was out of reach   You stood by me and I stood tall   I had your love I had it all 
  14. No no

  15. 我多想再见到你哪怕一面。
  16. don't let me go

  17. -

  18. 别哭呗

    人最深重的罪恶是孤独。 人最孤独的罪恶是无处倾诉。
  19. 我想说说话

    hi, is someone here? I wanna talk. I wanna talk. I wanna talk.
  20. 我想跟你说说话
