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  1. 成熟的标志并不是会说什么大道理,而是开始去理解身边的每一件小事情。
  2. 无误=周恩来
  3. 下午崩溃,晚上归队,简度与叔同在!
  4. 如果我写书,我就写我一生中的错误,让活着的人们都能从过去的错误中吸取教训。无误
  5. 倒计时,吃饭的苗子!嘿嘿
  6. 简度一吓:简度&博客的精髓:越分享越多!

    简度&博客发展的内在驱动是什么?简度&博客的魅力在哪里?我为什么要简度?为什么人人需要简度?为什么简度&博客的成功是大势所趋?我想简度&博客的解释已经很多很多,都从不同的侧面,不同的角度,丰富多彩地进行了阐释和演绎。那么,能不能最概括地总结一下。 “越分享越多”,大概是最好的概括了。对于浏览网站的人;对于自己,对于他人,对于社会;对于工作,对于生活,“越分享越多”的简度&博客精髓注定了它的发展是势不可挡。 简度&博客可以美好一个人的生活!而所谓的新媒体革命,所谓的人际交往和知识传播的革命,都是第二层次的。通过分享,美化每一个简度&博客,美好每一个人的生活,自然美好整个社会。 分享可以是沟通,可以是人际关系,可以是文章,可以是音乐和声音,可以是图片和视频,可以是阅读和推荐,“简度&博客,让你随心所欲”,这个随心所欲主要就是在超越时空的虚拟世界中,可以随心所欲分享你愿意分享的一切(当然,任何随心所欲都应该在法律法规和道德的范畴之内)。 简度&博客的繁荣,不仅仅是书写的繁荣,而是分享的繁荣,改变的不仅仅是少数爱好者,而是所有人,是整个社会。社会、文化、经济、政治等,都将因为简度&博客的新分享文化,而实现变革。变革的最终方向,就是美好我们的生活! 在分享自己和分享别人中美好生活,何乐而不为。“越分享越多”,就是简度&博客无与伦比的魅力精髓! Jane degrees & blog development intrinsic drive is what? Jane degrees & blog charm in where? Why should I Jane degrees? Why everyone needs Jane degrees? Why Jane degrees & blog's success is the trend of The Times? I want to Jane degrees & blog explanation has many, many, from different profile, different angles, colorfully expounded and deduce. So, can the most briefly summarize. "The more the share," is probably the best summarized. To visit the site; For myself, for others, for society; Regarding the work, for life, "the share more" Jane degrees & blog essence to development is overwhelming. Jane degrees & blog can better the life of a person! The so-called new media revolution, the so-called interpersonal and spread of the knowledge revolution, is the second level. By sharing, beautification every Jane degrees & blog, beautiful every person's life, natural beautiful the society as a whole. Share can be communication, can be interpersonal relationship, can be the music and sound, can be a picture and video, can, can be read and recommended, "Jane degrees & blog, let you follow one's inclinations," this is follow one's inclinations is mainly in the virtual world beyond space and time, can follow one's inclinations share everything you willing to share (of course, any follow one's inclinations should be in the laws and regulations within the category of morality and). Jane degrees & blog prosperity, not just writing of prosperity, but the prosperity of the share, change is not only a few enthusiasts, but all people, is the whole society. Social, cultural, economic, political, because the new blog to Jane degrees & share culture, and achieve change. Change is good, the final direction of our life! Share your and share others in happy life in, what is there against it. "The more share more" is Jane degrees & blog incomparable glamour essence!
  7. 简度一吓:如何定位博客?

    博客的繁荣,标志着以"信息共享"为特征的第一代门户,开始正式过渡到以"思想共享"为特征的第二代门户,开始真正凸现网络的知识价值,标志着互联网发展开始步入更高的阶段。 第一代门户由于仅仅是信息的门户,它虽然可以有多层的链接,都是信息之间的链接,还是属于"平面的""单维的"的门户。 第二代博客门户由于"以人为本",它不仅仅有博客的人和机构的门户为基础,还有博客的人和组织之间的多种关系,并多种关系构成多种多样的错综复杂的博客圈。这样,第二代的门户保护就从"平面的""单维的"门户发展到"立体的""多维的"门户了。 由于博客门户的以人和机构为基础导致的功能的多样化,使博客门户向着"虚拟社会"的方向演化。 Blogs, marking the prosperity with "information sharing" is the characteristic of the first generation of portal, formally began with "thought the transition to share" for features of the second generation portal, and start to really create network knowledge value, marked the development of Internet enters into a higher stage. The first generation of doors because just information, although it can have a gateway to the link, is multilayer the link between the information, or belong to "flat" "integrated" portal. The second generation blog portal due to the "people-oriented", it not only have the blog person or institution based, and blogs gateway to the various relations between people and organizations, and constitutes a variety of variety of relationship between the intricacies of the blog circles. So, the second generation from "the gateway to protect the plane's" "integrated" portal "stereo" to "multidimensional" portal. Due to people and institutions blog portal based on the function of diversification, caused toward "virtual blog gateway to the direction of the evolution of social".
  8. 简度一吓:博客的定义

    "博客",译自英文Weblog/blog(也译作"网络日志"、"网志"或"部落格"等),它是互联网平台上的个人信息交流中心。 2002年方兴东和王俊秀将Blog音译为博客。经过几年发展,博客已经从小群体应用走向大众,由一种新型的网上信息内容的组织和传播形式变成了使用者在虚拟社会的标签和缩影,从一种工具理性升华为一种价值理性。博客呈现给世界的不仅仅是简单的日记和枯燥日志,而是个人的思想精华和成长轨迹。 "Blog", translated from English to publish a sophisticated Weblog/blog (also translation "web logs," "blog" or "blog" and so on), it is the Internet platform of personal exchange center of information. 2002 square interest east and WangJunXiu will Blog for Blog,. After several years of development, blogs have been applied to the public, since groups by a new kind of Internet information organization and communication style became users in a virtual social labels and miniature, from a rational tool for a rational value sublimation. Blog presents to the world is not only simple diary and boring log, but person's mind essence and growth trajectory.
  9. Whatever willbe willbe

    Whatever will be, will be byDoris Day When I was just a little girl [img src="" width="280" height="381"] I asked my mother what will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich? Here's what she said to me Que sera, sera Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see Que sera, sera What will be, will be When I grew up and fell in love I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead? Will we have rainbows day after day? Here's what my sweetheart said Que sera, sera Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see Que sera, sera What will be, will be Now I have children of my own They ask their mother what will I be? Will I be handsome? Will I be rich? I tell them tenderly Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see Que sera, sera What will be, will be [img src="" width="280" height="393"] Que Sera, Sera
  10. 很喜欢这句话,“whatever will be,will be”。轻盈的三步舞曲,歌者温婉的嗓音,完美地演绎了主题 —— 一切不可知,不必苛求,顺其自然吧。是啊,就如歌中所唱:当我们小的时候,总会好奇自己的将来会是什么样;当我们恋爱的时候,恨不能穿越时空隧道,看看未来和爱人如何幸福地琐碎着;当我们陷入困境,又会想知道自己何时能找回快乐。这首歌告诉我们的是,无论顺境逆境,无论年少岁增,学着释然,享受当下的每一天吧。
  11. 任何正常人都有人生目标。除了“机遇”这个外部条件之外,非常重要的是“内因”:千里之行,始于足下;立足当前,脚踏实地。万万不可“明日复明日”,其结果只能是“万事成蹉跎”!哲人教诲:勤奋 + 机遇 == 成功。“劳其筋骨、饿其体肤”自不必说,“机遇”同样靠自己去捕捉:要抢抓机遇而不能丧失机遇。
  12. 从“愚人节”爆炒Windows 8解析某些网站赚钱的机巧和“被愚”的盲目

    “Windows 8泄漏下载(有图有真相)!”,这是近日充斥某些论坛的特大新闻。如果我没记错的话,某些论坛爆料Windows 8很快泄露,是今年4月1日的某时某刻。从这一天(该是“愚人节”吧?)开始,正式拉开了“愚弄”和“被愚弄”的活剧大幕:不少网民找乐乐,论坛老板偷着乐。对于微软更新一代操作系统研发,我和大家同样关注同样期待。但这关注和期待,必须建立在理性思考和实践经验的基础之上—— 我可以负责地告诉各位网友:迄今为止,微软没有通过任何渠道公开过更新一代操作系统的任何具体研发细节。至于爆料“4月1日之前微软已将Windows 8发送给OEM厂商”云云,仅是一人发贴、众人转载而已(这从行文即可看破)。我多次说过:讲话要有根据,发文要负责任。不要人云亦云,脑袋一定要长在自己的脖子上。纵观以往“泄露”经验,微软将光盘镜像发给OEM厂商之后,哪次不是随之很快泄露于网上?假定这次真的是有这么一回事,为什么一反常态竟然憋了十多天之久?实话实说:微软巴不得网民进行测试查找纰漏,从而减轻研发团队的相关工作量呢! 至于有些论坛爆炒的“Windows 8泄漏下载”,与其说是Windows 7的“XXXX修改版”,倒不如说是挂羊头卖狗肉的“招财进宝引线”。我有充分根据明确判定:截至目前为止,所有网络上的“Windows 8下载”统统都是假冒!至于其中是否包藏“钓鱼”之类,只有始作俑者心里最清楚了。话说至此,不得不说说某些论坛早就招摇过市的“Windows 8”版块:论坛“小老板”会在那里实施正确引导吗?绝对不会的。反倒是盼着大家争论争吵得越热闹越好。只有“越热闹”,才会吸引更多眼球招来更多点击率;只有更多点击率,那些花样翻新的广告才会更具“含金量”! 最为令人感到不可理喻的是:在所谓“Windows 8”连个身影都还没有见着的情况下,有的“大佬”居然引领网民讨论什么“Windows 8”安装后会占多大空间?“Windows 8”激活机制是否会升级为“OA 3.0”?“Windows 8”比Windows 7是否启动更快跑得更流畅?诸如此类,不一而足。反正国人有的是闲工夫:居然有不少网民跟着进行“抢答”。自然是你说他不对,他说你不好。争来吵去,有谁见过“Windows 8”的一丝皮毛?既然没有见过,有什么根据论及以上这些问题?网民闲得无聊“找乐乐”当然可以。但是可曾想过:这有实际意义吗?你不觉得论坛老板在偷着乐吗? ——光临本博的各位网友,会有不少知道上述情况。同时在看一场活剧,仁者见仁智者见智。笔者撰写此文,不仅力求正本清源戳破谎言,而且试图解析深层思考。应该来的,终究会来的;不该来的,爆炒也没用。借用一句网言:淡定!以上仅是一家之言一管之见,抛砖引玉并祈大家发表高见。