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  1. Who watches the watchmen

    [img src="" width="500" height="375"] 整本书对我来说最不能接受的就是罗夏的死……哭好久= = 翻开书前面有一页写着特别感谢尼尔盖曼,呼…貌似我喜欢的SF类的作品都跟尼尔盖曼有关系,但就是这么巧他写的书我一本都没去看过,连想都没想过= = [img src="" width="500" height="267"] 下次发钱会买V和TDKR,大胡子叔叔你是我的神-v- BTW谢谢11推荐,买两本引进版省了好多钱~
  2. Dr.Hill结婚了( ;∀;)突然就结婚了( ;∀;)无法接受( ;∀;)不关演员的事,我最受不了看到喜欢的角色结婚( ;∀;)
  3. TDKR(蝙蝠侠 暗黑骑士崛起)取消内地上映,F**K…好憋屈憋出内伤来了好想骂脏话……( ;∀;)
  4. 没有种过肉锥花这次想尝试一下结果发现肉锥很难种的样子,尤其是对温度要求很精确,这个我根本无法控制,算了不搞了= =
  5. 播种的季节: 春、秋两季播种比较合适,冬季只要温度合适照样可以播的很好。秋播最好,安全;春播的话,夏天可能比较难过,不过只要管理的好,问题不大。夏天就不要搞了,我搞过,3/4的挂掉了。>>秋天打算再播一批,听人家的,以后再也不春天搞了,夏天过不去……
  6. 早上好鳗鱼/
  7. 发货啦XD
  8. LORD SNOW!!(刚才看到的回复都掉了懒得再翻回去…
  9. 番杏科的 Conophytum vanzylii,木有中文名,是肉锥花的一种。 [link url=""]
  10. 算了剩下几本漫画只有等下个月发钱( ;∀;)
  11. 穷人的悲哀!!
  12. 相比之下,同是六一那会儿买的仙人掌科植物,我那几只棒棒就丢在桌子角,发现长根才浇了水,总之就是我养的活下来,我娘养的死掉了……这样大概她以后就不会吵我或者跟我吵= =
  13. 不知道是要开心还是要难过,我娘买的那只长着火红色长刺的仙人球死掉了。细问一下原来她早就浇过一次水,我都不知道嘱咐她多少遍,无根球球入盆一个月之内都不要浇水的何况现在是炎热的盛夏。娘很难过的样子,她现在应该明白了每次跟我争吵是多么没有意义的事情,经验主义要不得呀…
  14. 所以发钱的你们都快请我吃饭!!(…
  15. 同事(正式员工)的工资扣掉几险几金除去公司给的房租补助剩下的钱也好多啊好羡慕/_\
  16. I know you all, and will awhile uphold the unyoked humour of your idleness. Yet herein will I imitate the sun who doth permit the base contagious clouds to smother up his beauty from the world, that when he please again to be himself, being wanted, he may be more wondered at, by breaking through the foul and ugly mists of vapours that did seem to strangle him.   If all the year were playing holidays to sports would be as tedious as to work. But when they seldom come, they wished for come, and nothing pleaseth but rare accidents. So, when this loose behaviour I throw off and pay the debt I never promised, by how much better than my word I am, by so much shall I falsify men's hopes. And like bright metal on a sullen ground, my reformation, glittering o'er my fault, shall show more goodly and attract more eyes than that which hath no foil to se it off.   I'll so offend to make offence a skill, redeeming time when men think least I will.
  17. 抖森的笑容真的很有感染力www
  18. 啊啊啊啊为毛英语这玩意儿就是要让英国人念出来才好听!!不管怎么说抖森开场这段台词太戳我萌点了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. 快看天上有一只会飞的猪!!XDDDD

    [img src="" width="640" height="362"]
  20. [link url=""] HOLLOW CROWN第二集亨利四世上篇,把文件名plxm改成mp4,有JI叔,抖森,唐家屯大小姐w