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  1. 捂心口,要死大家一起死( ;∀;)

    [img src="" width="250" height="188"] [img src="" width="250" height="187"] [img src="" width="225" height="169"] [img src="" width="250" height="188"] [img src="" width="250" height="188"] [img src="" width="250" height="188"] [img src="" width="250" height="188"] [img src="" width="250" height="188"] The best gifset on Tumblr
  2. 美女主管跟我说她故意让公司最贫的一个男同事带我都没把我带活泼了她脚着人参很失败( ;∀;)
  3. [link url=""] 伦敦奥运官方歌曲w
  4. 早安,去睡~
  5. C罗今天的射门全打鸟了……
  6. 今天的比赛小西和安元都没看呢~
  7. 直接跳过加时踢点球吧= =
  8. 人太熟踢不起来…我这凑热闹的你们不踢好看点我就去睡了,明天还要上班。
  9. 推特上莫名其妙突然被人fo原来都是洛阳人,还问我妹子是不是xxx的,我不是哦,再这样我加小锁了( ;∀;)
  10. 起来了( ;∀;)
  11. 来一发胖子(・∀・)

    [img src="" width="640" height="961"] 吃点东西就去睡,两点半能醒来就看,醒不来继续睡~
  12. 明早的比赛有人看么…
  13. 我只是无责任转发嘛你们不要想太多,呆梨就是去跟德国人学习的,学完了咱们就回家~
  14. 5 Germany/Italy facts.1 Germany has not beaten Italy since 1995.2 Germany have never defeated Italy in a major tournament in their history.3 Italy are still unbeaten in competitive games under Cesare Prandelli: 13 games, nine wins and four draws.4 Germany currently has a run of 15 consecutive wins in competitive games, which is a new record for international games5 Germany have conceded the fewest number of yellow cards (3) and fouls (27) at EURO 2012. (来自汤不热
  15. 来一发胖子我就滚,晚安(・∀・)

    [img src="" width="612" height="612"]
  16. 只有看美漫的时候我才真心觉得二次元比三次元差远了( ;∀;)
  17. 小雪和白灵www

    [img src="" width="622" height="360"]
  18. 豆瓣条目里好像没有冰火漫画…可是我正在看诶= =
  19. 今天经理又来开批斗会……情报木有收集到或是处理不当一条扣五十块…每天经我手的信息量最多的时候能达到七千条,我这几两银子的月钱还不够您扣的( ;∀;)
  20. 发张9爷我就去睡(・∀・)

    [img src="" width="600" height="431"] 老黄说迪纳塔莱是民工版9爷…这是跟9爷比啊,现在的呆梨何止是民工,根本就是乞丐嘛!!(喂)9爷标准高帅富!舔屏幕这种丢脸的事我才不会到处乱说呢~