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  1. 怀旧时间之Sometimes

    当年的Britney Spears多么滴青春美丽阳光小蛮腰~ [video src=""]
  2. 喵了个咪
  3. 即时生效

    [audio src=""] [link url=""] 蔡依林 - 即时生效 作词:梁锦兴 作曲:黄晟峰 编曲:廖伟杰 揭晓 应该是爱情在半路抛锚 所以丘比特迟到 还好 我们再兜过了许多弯角 走进了同一座城堡 你说如果早遇到多好 多几分几秒你都要 我说那就加倍对我好 你点着头给我肯定的微笑 爱情即时生效 下一秒 幸福就算冰山一角 很难找 你是带我抵达的路标 就算天涯海角 誓言即时生效 对我好 沿途偶尔遇到风暴 让我靠 记得要把我的手抓牢 答应我不轻易放掉 爱情和时间赛跑 我们要一起到老 你所为我在肩上披的那件外套 代表你一辈子给我的专属依靠 温柔得让我总忍不住想炫耀
  4. 友情提醒:为了健康,每天睡眠请不要超过24小时。 晚安。
  5. 【12星座#买票回家#的感叹】★白羊-我冲冲冲★金牛-忍忍就过去了★双子-哥们儿帮忙啊★巨蟹-我提前请假哇★狮子-只要软卧啊★处女-窒息~要了我的命了★天秤-挤火车呢还是挤火车呢..★天蝎-得想办法帮那妞把票搞定★射手-一道独特的风景★魔羯-还是飞机好了★水瓶-晚两天吧不想凑热闹★双鱼-谁能稍上我 所以是天蝎帮双子买票!恩恩
  6. 出差神马的也是可以躲过饭局的好机会~
  7. 噗~好JQ

    [img src="" width="450" height="1009"]
  8. 【12星座最天使的一面】★白羊—能让对方感受到这世界上最真挚的爱 ★金牛—能给对方最隐秘的性感和情调 ★双子—为对方制造多层次多角度的快乐 ★巨蟹—能使对方享受到最大程度的关爱和照料 ★狮子—爱一个人如同爱一个孩子,无尽的宠爱和包容 ★处女—最有责任感的爱人★天秤-为爱人奉献很多,承担责任,有忍让精神 ★天蝎-专情、激情、温情、爱得最深 ★射手-爱得真诚,化解一切困难 ★魔羯-最坚强后盾,默默支撑,全情奉献 ★水瓶-平淡的生活,因为有了水瓶座爱人而意趣盎然 ★双鱼-世上最善良、浪漫、体贴、温柔而又坚强的爱人
  9. 现在每次在口口邮箱看到漂流瓶的操作都是 “扔回海里”。。。
  10. Michael Jackson ft. Akon - Hold My Hand

    [audio src=""] 虽然是新歌,不过这首歌其实是他们07年录的。歌词挺不错的感觉~ Lyrics: Akon - Hold my hand(with Michael Jackson) This life don't last forever (Hold my hand) So tell me what we're waiting for (Hold my hand) Better off being together (Hold my hand) Than being miserable alone (Hold my hand) Cause I've been there before And you've been there before But together we can be alright. Cause when it gets dark And when it gets cold We can just hold eachother till we see the sunlight So if you just Hold my hand Baby I promise that I'll do All I can Things will get better if you just Hold my hand Nothing can come in between us if you just Hold, Hold my, hold my, hold my hand. The nights are getting darker (Hold my hand) And there's no peace inside (Hold my hand) So why make our lives harder (Hold my hand) By fighting love, Tonight. Cause I've been there before And you've been there before But together we can be alright. Cause when it gets dark And when it gets cold We can just hold each other till we see the sunlight So if you just Hold my hand Baby I promise that I'll do All I can Things will get better if you just Hold my hand Nothing can come in between us if you just Hold, Hold my, hold my, hold my hand. I can tell that your tired of being lonley Take my hand dont let go baby hold me Talk to me an let me be your one and only Cuz I can make it alright till the morning I can tell that your tired of being lonley Take my hand dont let go baby hold me Talk to me an let me be your one and only Cuz I can make it alright till the morning Hold my hand, Baby I promise that I'll do All I can Things'll get better if you just Hold my hand Nothin can come between us if you just Hold, Hold my, hold my, hold my hand. Hold my hand, Baby I promise that I'll do All I can Things'll get better if you just Hold my hand Nothin can come between us if you just Hold, Hold my, hold my, hold my hand. Hold my hand.
  11. win 7用习惯了。。。想显示桌面的时候拉着一个小窗口挥舞了半天肿么没反应捏。。然后想起他们这电脑是XP的系统。。。
  12. 吐槽大灾变

    这毫无感情的系统声音解说竟然可耻的萌了。。。 [video src=""]
  13. 提问:@CatFan 话说以后Mu6会不会有搜索的功能捏?万一哪天想倒回去找传的歌会找不到。。。
  14. 擦泪啊。。打副本被老婆拔网线

    刚才看到小衎童鞋在人人分享的,好可怜啊,都飙泪了…… [video src=""] 55555....从那以后他们打王再也不叫我了,我就只能一个人在旁边打小怪,再也木有宝物了嘤嘤嘤嘤。。。。。 你为神马要拔掉我的网线……网线……线……
  15. Ukulele小盆友的I'm Yours

    YouTube里面超火的5岁小盆友Ukulele~萌啊~这熊孩子真会玩儿 [video src=""] 系列:[link url=""]
  16. 被主人偷偷换小了睡觉纸箱的杯具猫猫,好纠结好困惑

    话说喵喵乃不可以介么萌。。。太执着了吧 [video src=""]
  17. J-20隐形战斗机为神马能隐形捏~~有人告诉咱了,因为啊,雷达上会显示一行字:根据相关法律法规和政策,部分搜索结果未予显示。
  18. 超级间谍玛塔哈莉,简称:超级玛丽·~
  19. 【十二星座代表的动画人物】白羊座:唐老鸭;金牛座:加菲猫;双子座:樱桃小丸子;巨蟹座:史奴比;狮子座:丁丁;处女座:柯南;天秤座:乱马;天蝎座:流氓兔;射手座:樱木花道;摩羯座:蜡笔小新;水瓶座:机器猫;双鱼座:HELLO KITTY。
  20. “沉鱼落雁”的年代。。。有点惊恐