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  1. 用IE上喵的界面真是一个无语凝噎啊……
  2. 我刚才也收到短信了!满怀希望的打开,上书:你有一条新豆邮!再打开豆瓣,喵了个咪,活动发来的…伤不起有木有!
  3. 47号童鞋让我长姿势了!原来阿姨洗铁路满满的都素爱啊!
  4. 明儿不是审判日么?趁着审判前去组团领证儿吧,好歹是个已婚人士~
  5. 哎吖…今儿有木有人给我告白嘛…扭~
  6. 今儿灰机过厚厚滴云降落的时候猛得沉了几秒,就像过山车哇有木有有木有…
  7. 国航滴票深航滴灰机

    [img src="" width="600" height="800"] 看,灰机~
  8. 哟~候机楼的框架介么口耐
  9. 看,好多大灰机哇~~
  10. 囧~把日志修改了几次就已经被刷下去了……这速度……
  11. And I don't want the world to see me / Cause I don't think that they'd understand / When everything's made to be broken / I just want you to know who I am
  12. Goo Goo Dolls - Iris 送给大家5·20的歌

    网速不好上传就掉线……就发歌词和video 和Avril Lavigne合作的版本 很喜欢这歌词呢,从第一句开始~ 好深情……感动 Verse 1 And I'd give up forever to touch you Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now 我愿不惜放弃永生只为一亲芳泽。 只因我知道你对我有着或多或少的感觉, 只要和你在一起,我最近的感受到天堂,不想归家。 Verse 2 And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life Cause sooner or later it's over I just don't want to miss you tonight 我能感受的只有此刻和你一起, 我能呼吸的也只是有你的生活。 也许不久这一切就将结束, 我仅仅奢求离别不要来得那么急促。 Chorus And I don't want the world to see me Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am 我不求全世界都看到我, 因为我知道即使这样也没几个人会懂我。 既然一切注定未果而终, 只要你能知道我是谁便已足够。 Verse 3 And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything seems like the movies Yeah you bleed just to know your alive 我们无法知道, 当所有谎言的真相被揭穿将给我们的未来带来怎样的痛楚。 当一切变得戏剧化, 我们能做的只剩下用鲜血证明尚存于世。 Chorus And I don't want the world to see me Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am 我不求名扬于世,被世人所理解。 只愿即使未果而终,你懂得真的我。 Chorus I don't want the world to see me Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am 某喵的强迫症犯了胡乱翻译的~嘿嘿<(= ̄ˇ ̄=)>
  13. 对于有些事儿,我有点不知所措……心情好复杂啊
  14. 丝袜神马的好容易挂烂啊……
  15. 我似乎有些不开心……
  16. 朝鲜广播体操神马的

    伟大的金主席会和小盆友们一起跳么~~~ [video src=""]
  17. 早喵…
  18. 坏人……
  19. 喵~找到房子了喵~
  20. 刚才经理回到办公室,突然唱了一句:“我有一只小毛驴……”乃素要恶意卖萌么叔……Orz