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  1. 哈哈哈哈哈哈 [link url=""]
  2. 又败家了……
  3. 一定是我打开的方式不对……
  4. 昨天果然没睡好呢!
  5. 我曾经以为我耐心无限的,直到我的膝盖中了一箭.
  6. I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.
  7. 早安喵们
  8. [link url=""]
  9. 好讨厌的感觉……话说一半……今儿睡不着了……
  10. 在喵星人面前什么汪都弱爆了![link url=""]
  11. 这爹好萌

    [img src="" width="434" height="456"]
  12. 哈哈哈哈哈哈

    [img src="" width="294" height="386"]
  13. google翻译的piss off是杰克琼斯?【嗯……他们家的衣服肯定把google的某技术宅给伤了……o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o】
  14. 办公室其实是体力活~哈哈哈
  15. 这桌面很呆萌

    [img src="" width="640" height="400"]
  16. 早…
  17. so close and still so far...
  18. 谁说我不听中文歌了~

    [link url=""] [img src="" width="300" height="300"] [一有爱就走吧 - 爱。旅行。一公里 - 许茹芸] [audio src=""] [link url=""] [img src=""] [玻璃色 - Infinity Journey - 王菀之]
  19. Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone

    [img src=""] [You Are Not Alone - blood on the dance floor: history in the mix - Michael Jackson] [audio src=""] [link url=""]
  20. I was wondering, Would you reach/cry for me?