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  1. 卖萌

    [img src="" width="160" height="200"]
  2. 扫地的老太太最近很火
  3. 十三生肖~

    [img src="" width="600" height="600"]
  4. 晚安好梦~
  5. Avril Lavigne - What The Hell

    [audio src=""] You say that I’m messing with your head (Yeah yeah Yeah yeah) All ’cause I was making out with your friend (Yeah yeah Yeah yeah) Love hurts whether it is right or wrong (Yeah yeah Yeah yeah) I can’t stop ’cause I’m having too much fun (Yeah yeah Yeah yeah) You’re on your knees begging please stay with me But honestly I just need to be a little crazy All my life I’ve been good But now, Whoa, I’m thinking What The Hell? All I want is to mess around And I don’t really care about If you love me, If you hate me, You can’t save me baby, baby All my life I’ve been good but now Whoa, What The Hell? What? What? What? What the hell? So, what if I go out on a million dates (Yeah yeah Yeah yeah) You never called or listened to me anyway (Yeah yeah yeah yeah) I’d rather rage than sit around and wait all day (Yeah yeah Yeah yeah) Don’t get me wrong I just need some time to play (Yeah yeah Yeah yeah) You’re on your knees begging please stay with me But honestly I just need to be a little crazy All my life I’ve been good but now Whoa, I’m thinking What The Hell? All I want is to mess around And I don’t really care about If you love me, If you hate me, You can’t save me baby, baby All my life I’ve been good but now Whoa, What The Hell?
  6. 扎西拉姆·多多 《班扎古鲁白玛的沉默》

    你见 或者不见我 我就在那里 不悲不喜 你念 或者不念我 情就在那里 不来不去 你爱 或者不爱我 爱就在那里 不增不减 你跟 或者不跟我 我的手就在你手里 不舍不弃 来我的怀里 或者让我住进你的心里 默然相爱 寂静欢喜 《班扎古鲁白玛的沉默》(班扎古鲁白玛,音译,意思为莲花生大师)
  7. Prague

    [video src=""] 喜欢这个城市。 这是新年倒计时的布拉格天文钟3D投影,很美
  8. 下雪神马的

    哎..喵一直没有神马拍照的习惯,那天大家都在求雪景就在去酒店的路上用爪机随意照了几张,渣画质神马的请无视。 [img src="" width="600" height="800"] [img src="" width="640" height="480"] [img src="" width="600" height="800"]
  9. Rango

    为了Depp人家也要关注,而且介么口耐…… JOHNNY DEPP is ? 变色龙? [img src="" width="388" height="580"] [img src="" width="600" height="889"] 海盗船长的标志动作? [img src="" width="600" height="395"] 介个鱼鱼好有爱啊~ [img src="" width="600" height="257"]
  10. 始终还是不忍心在喵饭刷屏~
  11. 为弥补没有合影的缺憾,近期写篇短小的游记吧
  12. 今年夏天,期待《加勒比海盗4》
  13. 时间过得飞快,转眼这些已成回忆;每天都有新的问题,不知何时又会再忆起。
  14. 换回牛仔裤运动鞋,瞬间变成熟悉的简约风格,稍稍乱的头发带点rock感~哈哈<(= ̄ˇ ̄=)>
  15. 今天才有空仔细看大家前两天给我的回复。。。。。话说,我们那天好像忘了合影了啊……囧
  16. 大家早安~
  17. 话说,很快就要离开了
  18. 下雪神马的真漂亮哇
  19. 2011新年快乐!!
  20. 吼吼~咱们武汉见~大家新年快乐