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  1. 看了GG第五季,突然觉得Dan变顺眼了~他不傻傻的学者别人去勾心斗角的时候还是比较可爱的
  2. 今天必须翻墙才能上喵。。。。哎╮<(= ̄▽ ̄=)>╭
  3. 快看快看,熊孩纸打架[link url=""]
  4. 喵了个咪的,楼下小孩儿把我们家种的花偷了,还偷了盆兰草,还是个女孩子,太没脸没皮了吧
  5. 有点萌有点二缺很有爱

    Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks [img src="" width="600" height="600"] 音乐不错哦亲~长得还蛮帅秒杀了不少青年……MV有点儿小二哈哈哈~单曲的专辑封面(上图所示)更加是智障儿童欢乐多……哈哈哈哈~ 好基友要一辈子走下去哦~看好你们~加油~ [video src=""]
  6. 首页的天气很好
  7. 石盖说,篮球就是偷懒。
  8. When Sep. ends~ and Oct. COMES
  9. 还是喜欢Alexandra Hunter多一点,Sara一般般木有感觉,Kate很讨厌
  10. 坐等下班。。。时间过好慢
  11. 我和钟秋洁分手了,现在在等郭庆婕,但实际上我特喜欢方韩佳,好想方韩佳。。。不过她姐姐方淑佳更美,我更喜欢。。。但我内心一直最爱步尚雪,我多么想永远和她在一起~当然还有她的姐姐步尚班。
  12. 我勒个去…刚过来那省经理好有气场…无形中给人一种强大的鸭梨
  13. 突然出太阳,热起来了……
  14. 猪肉价格上涨美国近千只猪被偷...有组织偷猪...
  15. 睡前听听老歌~

    Christina Aguilera - I Turn to You [audio src=""] When I'm lost in the rain, In your eyes I know I'll find the light To light my way. And when I'm scared, And losing ground, When my world is going crazy, You can turn it all around. And when I'm down you're there - pushing me to the top, girl. You're always there, giving me all you've got. For a shield from the storm, For a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm I turn to you. For the strength to be strong, For the will to carry on For everything you do, for everything that's true I turn to you. When I lose the will to win, I just reach for you and I can reach the sky again. I can do anything 'Cause your love is so amazing, 'Cause your love inspires me. And when I need a friend, You're always on my side Giving me faith that gets me through the night. For a shield from the storm, For a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm I turn to you. For the strength to be strong, For the will to carry on For everything you do, I turn to you. For the arms to be my shelter through all the rain, For truth that will never change, For someone to lean on, For a heart I can rely on through anything, For that one who I can run to... For a shield from the storm, For a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm I turn to you. For the strength to be strong, For the will to carry on For everything you do, for everything that's true For everything you do, for everything that's true I turn to you.
  16. 我的页面肿么变成了一片黑……
  17. google生日呢~~~
  18. 饭,吾所欲也;瘦,亦吾所欲也。二者不可兼得,我勒个去也~
  19. 周一回到办公室google依旧苦逼